Lockdown gives a "window" for research on air pollution

The covid-19 pandemic lockdown gives researchers a window to study how pollution affect the climate. One of the researchers is Trude Storelvmo, Professor of meteorology at Department of Geosciences. Storelvmo has over several years done research on how aerosols and skies affect the climate. Read interview in Scientific American.

Less traffic in air and on the roads give less pollution to the atmosphere. Illustration: colourbox.com
Less traffic in air and on the roads give less pollution to the atmosphere. Illustration: colourbox.com

The lockdown caused by the covid-19 (pandemic) has resulted in temporarily closed borders, less airplanes in the air and less traffic and transport on roads all over the World.  

As a result, there is a fall in pollution and COfrom all types of traffic and transport as the Coronavirus is spread. The drop in air pollution can give researchers a new window and represent openings to study how pollution affect the climate. Read the full article with interviews with several researchers in the article in Scientific American.



COVID-19 Could Help Solve Climate Riddles, Scientific American, 17.04.2020

Published Apr. 22, 2020 12:24 PM - Last modified Apr. 28, 2020 12:41 PM