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TED talk: The continents are moving. When will they collide?

A new film and TED talk lesson entitled 'The continents are moving. When will they collide?' was launched in the TED-Ed teaching lessons at YouTube in the beginning of March 2023. The lesson is by Jean-Baptiste Philippe Koehl, Researcher at Dept of Geosciences and CEED and so far the lesson has been seen by over 360 000. See the lesson and two more here!

Map of the Earth and the continents. Illustration picture:
The continents. The new Ted-talk lesson is about the theory of the drift and change of the continents. Illustration picture:

The new TED talk lesson is about the theory of the drift of the continents. This theory was launched in the early 20th century, by Alfred Wegener.

The theory laid the foundation for our modern theory of plate tectonics. And today we know something even more exciting: Pangea was only the latest in a long lineage of supercontinents, and it won’t be the last. 

Jean-Baptiste P. Koehl explores when the next supercontinent will emerge — and what it might mean for Earth’s environment.

The TED-Ed teaching lesson is by Jean-Baptiste P. Koehl, and is directed by Iuri Araujo, Província Studio.

See the new TED-Ed lesson:

The continents are moving. When will they collide?, TED-Ed, YouTube, 2.3.2023.

More TED-Ed lessons from Koehl:

See them from here:

Iceland's secret power, TED-Ed, YouTube, 29.7.2021.

Why are earthquakes so hard to predict?, TED-Ed, YouTube, 8.4.2019.

TED-Ed: Lessons Worth Sharing

TED talks are short lectures with strong and clear messages. TED is the English abbreviation for Technology, Entertainment, Design. See more of the talks from here:

More learning lessons from TED-Ed can be viewed on the website:

Published Apr. 13, 2023 4:58 PM - Last modified Nov. 23, 2023 5:10 PM