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The mysterious exploding craters in Siberia may be solved

On the Yamal and Gydan peninsulas in Siberia, scientists have long wondered about the mystery of 8 craters. The enormous craters have been seen in Siberia over the past 15 years. Scientists from University of Oslo: H. Hellevang, M. Ippach, S. Westermann and M. Nooraiepour may now have solved their origin. A new research study has got a lot of attention in media from around the world.

Yamal Peninsula, Russia: View of the crater and giant funnel, photo taken from an helicopter expedition, June 18, 2015.  Photo: iStock/AleksandrLutcenko
Yamal Peninsula, Russia: View of the crater and giant funnel, photo taken from an helicopter expedition, June 18, 2015.  Photo: iStock/AleksandrLutcenko

A interdisciplinary research team with researchers within environmental geosciences and permafrost consisting of Helge Hellevang, Mats Rouven Ippach, Sebastian Westermann and Mohammad Nooraiepour, all researchers at the Department of Geosciences, have proposed a new model for the formation of the craters. The craters have appeared in the last 15 years, and go by the name 'Gas emission crater' (GECs). The new model includes permafrost, natural gas, explosions and local geology.

They have since the release of the paper received a lot of attention in international media such as New Scientist, Sciences Times, etcetera, see links below.

The original paper is found here:

Hellevang, H., Ippach, M. R., Westermann, S., M. Nooraiepour: Formation of giant Siberian gas emission craters (GECs), Earth ArXiv (preprint submitted Dec. 2023)

Articles 'In media':

Siberia’s mysterious exploding craters may be caused by hot gas, NewScientist 15.01.2024

The mystery of Siberia's strange exploding craters may have finally been solved, Business Insider, 15.01.2024

Mysteries of Bizarre Giant Exploding Craters in Siberian Permafrost Could Finally Be Unraveled, Sciences Times, 16.01.2024

New Theory Links Mysterious Holes Spotted in Siberia To Gas Eruptions, Forbes, 29.01.2024

and more ...

Also read about the study in Norwegian at the site:

Enorme kratere i Sibir skyldes eksplosjoner i permafrosten,, 24.01.2024

Published Feb. 1, 2024 1:26 PM - Last modified Feb. 1, 2024 4:25 PM