Of people and places - The Day of geography 2014

The Day of geography is arranged for the first time 17 November 2014. The day is marked in the form of a Web portal where people who work with geography or geomatics publish a post about how a work day looks like. Teachers and students and others interested can then see what work human geographers and geographers do in a ordinary day. One who has published a post is Benjamin Laken from MetOs, Department of Geosciences.

How are lakes effected by the climate change in the Nordic region? Illustration: Benjamin Laken

On the web site Day of geography 2014 have between many others who work in geo/geography/geomatics, also Benjamin Laken from MetOs, Department of Geosciences added a posting about why he became interested in working with geography and climate. Laken is a geographer and has done research on the interaction between the Earth's atmosphere and space weather, but also on climate.

Laken is currently postdoc on the project ECCO (Effects of climate change on boreal lake ecosystems), Section for Meteorology and Oceanography (MetOs). This project deals with the effects of climate change on ecological conditions and characteristics of lakes in Scandinavia.


Read the posting:

Of people and places. Day of geography, 17.11.2014.



Published Nov. 17, 2014 7:38 PM - Last modified Dec. 24, 2022 2:24 AM