Geoengineering not without a risk

If we could fix the climate problems with different engineering techniques would they be easy to solve, or not? Geoengineering also named climate engineering is to do interventions in the Earth’s climatic system with the aim of reducing global warming. Such intervenions can also cause negative effects. Media attention and coverage after a press conference at European Geosciences Union (EGU) 2015 for Helene Muri, researcher at University of Oslo.

Geoengineering also named climate engineering is to do intervention in the Earth’s climatic system to fix the global warming. But such intervenions can also have negative effects. Photo:

From 12. to 17. April 2015 was Vienna in Austria venue for the European Geosciences Union (EGU) 2015 General Assembly.

Helene Muri at University of Oslo, Section for Meterorology and Oseanography participated in a press conference about her research on geoengineering. This resulted in articles in the press all over the world.


Articles and media coverage:

Warning over aerosol climate fix, BBC, 16.4.2015

Geoengineering: Experten warnen vor globalen Nebenwirkungen, Der Standard, 18.4.15

Geoengineering: Experten warnen vor globalen Nebenwirkungen, Pravda TV, 23.4.15

Forscher warnen vor den Folgen des Geoengineering, Terra Mystica, Wissenschaft, 20.4.15


Also at (in Norwegian):

Salt fra havet gir mer salt til tropene,, 16.5.2015


Published May 5, 2015 12:37 PM - Last modified Sep. 23, 2021 10:47 AM