Published Apr. 1, 2016 9:46 AM

The American magazine The New Yorker recently followed a research team collecting data from the Chhota Shigri Glacier in India. In the article they followed among others postdoc Markus Engelhardt, Department of Geosciences in his work to check the camp’s weather monitor, which had been planted four months earlier, and recorded temperature, solar radiation, and barometric pressure.  The aim of the study is to find out if and how fast the glacier is melting.

Published Feb. 2, 2016 3:52 PM

Glaciers on Svalbard behave very differently from other glaciers worldwide. They advance massively for some years and then quickly retreat – and then remain quiescent for fifty to a hundred years – before they once again start to advance.  Professor Jon Ove Hagen at Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo is recently interviewed in Apollon about Svalbards pulsating glaciers. The article has got attention by several international research websites.