Three Norwegian meteorologists with a new hypothesis about Munch's Scream

“Scream”, Edvard Munch’s painting, shows a blood-red sky over the Oslo fjord. “Suddenly the sky became red as blood” - Munch describes this event as scaring. Was it pollution particles from a volcano eruption which caused this red sky? Three Norwegian meteorologists offer an new hypothesis: was it mother-of-pearl clouds Munch saw and painted in 1892.? The article in the journal Weather has got huge media attention.

Reference to the article in Weather:

  • Fikke, SM., Kristjánsson, JE., & Ø., Nordli. 2017. Screaming clouds. Weather, Wiley, DOI: 10.1002/wea.2786

About The Scream:

In the National Gallery, Oslo is The Scream exhibited with several other famous paintings of Munch. This version is; Edvard Munch, Skrik, 1893. About the painting. Photo; Gunn Kristin Tjoflot/UiO
In the National Gallery, Oslo is The Scream exhibited with several other famous paintings of Munch. This version is; Edvard Munch, Skrik, 1893. About the painting. Photo; Gunn Kristin Tjoflot/UiO

Some of the press coverage articles:

Meteorologer med ny teori om "Skrik", Aftenposten Vitenskap, juni 2017

Kanskje var det perlemorskyer Munch malte i Skrik,, 7.5.17

Forskere: – Er det perlemorskyer i Munchs «Skrik»?, Nettavisen,  24.4.17

Le secret du Cri de Munch peut-être dévoilé par... des météorologistes, Le Figaro, 27.4.17

Munch’s The Scream was probably inspired by rare clouds, Science/AAAG, Sifter, 26.4.17

Forscherin stellt neue These zu Munchs "Der Schrei" auf, Welt, 25.4.17

Edvard Munchs "Der Schrei"Inspiration aus den Wolken, Deutshlandfunk, 25.4.17

Why This Man Is Screaming, Huffington Post, 25.4.17

Munch soll in "Der Schrei" Perlmuttwolken gemalt haben, Der Standard, 24.4.17

Munch inspired by 'screaming clouds', BBC News, 24.04.17

The inspiration behind 'The Scream' may have been rare mother-of-pearl CLOUDS, scientists claim, Dailymail online

Wetterforscher liefern neue Erklärung für Munchs "Der Schrei", Spiegel Online

Weird clouds may have inspired The Scream, say scientists, TODAYonline & Raw story & Breitbart, 24.4.17

Weird clouds may have inspired 'The Scream': Scientists, New Straits Times &, 24.4.17

Also at NRK online, Dagsrevyen and many others....


Published June 29, 2017 9:02 PM - Last modified Dec. 23, 2022 1:17 PM