Concluding the EMERALD project with EMERALD Open Science Day

Join the EMERALD Open Science Day on 17 October! On this full day seminar we will gather Norwegian communities working within the field of ‘ecological climatology’. Welcome to Klimahuset at Tøyen for a programme full of EMERALD science!

Photo: Point intercept analysis of graminoid dominated tundra by EMERALD PhD Eirik Aasmo Finne and field assistant François Chauvin in Signehamna, Svalbard - 21.07.2020. Photo: Rasmus Erlandsson

Point intercept analysis of graminoid dominated tundra by EMERALD PhD Eirik Aasmo Finne and field assistant François Chauvin in Signehamna, Svalbard - 21.07.2020. Photo: Rasmus Erlandsson

EMERALD – “Terrestrial ecosystem–climate interactions of our EMERALD planet” is a large coordinated research project supported by the Research Council of Norway aiming to improve the representation of high latitude ecosystems and their climate interactions in climate models. EMERALD has its base at the Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Norway.

The EMERALD project uniquely brought together two main science communities in  Norway, namely ‘terrestrial ecologist’ and ‘climate modellers’, forming a community in the field “ecological climatology”. Since the project started in 2019, there has been an extensive amount of research activities to integrate existing research activities among key partners, including joint field work and experiments, as well as coordinated modelling efforts.

EMERALD worked in synergy with a total of about 40 (both completed and ongoing) research projects from ten national partner institutions.

Invitation to the EMERALD Open Science Day

The project will conclude by the end of 2023 and we are looking forward to share our experience and knowledge gained with the wider community. 

Foto: Natur i Endring. (photo : Anders_Klimahuset.jpg)
From the exhibition: Natur i Endring in Klimahuset. Photo: Anders Bryn

On 17 October 2023, the EMERALD scientists will come together at Klimahuset for the EMERALD Open Science Day (OSD). This will be an open day full of EMERALD science! All interested are welcome to the event.

Klimahuset is a special venue for the EMERALD scientists since they contributed to the opening of this exhibition house with a new climate exhibition in 2019.

The EMERALD OSD will start with an opening talk by Brit Lisa Sjelkvåle, the Director of the Natural History Museum, followed by an introduction to - and some highlights from - the project by EMERALD leaders Professors Lena M. Tallaksen and Frode Stordal. We are also pleased to introduce The EMERALD OSD keynote speakers, Ellen Dorrepaal (Umeå University) and Ryan Bright (NIBIO).

Light lichen in Hodalen, Hedmark, Norway in August 2018, photo credit: Irene Brox Nilsen”
Light lichen in Hodalen, Hedmark, Norway in August 2018, Photo: Irene Brox Nilsen

EMERALD is a project where experienced scientists and early career research work closely together. Many exciting development and science activities by early career researchers will be highlighted in the afternoon. This session exemplifies the diversity of the research that has been done under the EMERALD umbrella.

There will be seven short popular science presentations covering observations with drones, plant experiments in a laboratory (phytotron), field trips and experiments in cold environments, and finally feeding all the information gathered to train and improve our computer models.

See the full programme for the EMERALD Open Science Day

After the presentations, the EMERALD OSD participants will be invited to a discussion session with a focus on these two questions:

  • How to move from single disciple to multidisciplinary studies?
  • Which processes are missing in terms of plant-climate interactions for improving climate models?
Photo of WinterSoilflux: Soil respiration measurement using Li840 infrared gas analyzer by Inge Althuizen in Iškoras - 19.10.2019. Photo: Casper Tai Christiansen
Winter Soilflux: Soil respiration measurement using .vLi840 infrared gas analyzer by Inge Althuizen in Iškoras - 19.10.2019. Photo: Casper Tai Christiansen

Sign up here!

The EMERALD Open Science Day is held in 17th of October, starting 11 and ending at 17.15. The event is in Klimahuset, Tøyen.

The EMERALD Open Science Day is free and open to anyone interested in high latitude ecosystems and climate science.

Register online her:

About the EMERALD project:

Please read here for popular scientific representation of the EMERALD project

EMERALD on web:

News articles about EMERALD activities or people from the sciences news web site Titan,uio,no (in Norwegian):

Geoforsker får støtte til å ta feltobservasjoner til nytt nivå

Nå er det lettere å bli klimaforsker

Planter er ikke bare passive mottakere av klimaendringer

Published Oct. 6, 2023 11:51 AM - Last modified Oct. 12, 2023 10:37 AM