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Published Apr. 26, 2019 12:35 PM

The European Geosciences Union holds annually its General Assambly in Vienna, Austria in April. This is the largest conference for geoscientists in Europe, and it covers all subject fields under the 'geoscience umbrella'.  For 2019 two scientists from University of Oslo got awards for their research in geosciences, respectively in geomatics/remote sensing and geology.

Published Apr. 10, 2019 12:29 PM

Vienna 8th of April: The European Geosciences Union (EGU) presented Professor Andreas Max Kääb, Department of Geosciences with the "Louis Agassiz Medal" of 2019. The medal is awarded to research efforts that are "outstanding", and the reasons from EGU for awarding Kääb the medal speak for themselves.

Published Sep. 7, 2018 12:49 PM

The Department of Geosciences has several externally financed projects, in 2017 external research support contributed 50% of the department's economy. On Monday the 27th of August there was a start-up meeting for one of the newest projects - Volcanic Eruptions and their Impacts on Climate, Environment, and Viking Society in 500-1250 CE (VIKINGS). The project is supported by FRIPRO/Toppforsk/FRINATEK.

Published July 17, 2018 12:40 PM

A freshly graduated PhD in geomatics from the University of Oslo, Bas Altena, have been granted a postdoc grant from the European Space Agency's (ESA) Living Planet Fellowship program. With this fellowship he will explore new ways to exploit satellite data from the Copernicus program in combination with other satellites to help understand fast changes in the cryosphere.

Published Nov. 9, 2017 10:31 AM

Hawaii sits at the end of a chain of volcanoes running across the Pacific Ocean floor, but in the middle of this chain lies a bend of 60 degrees. For many decades geoscientists have struggled to explain exactly how and why this feature occurred around 50 Million years ago. A new study from CEED, sheds light on this long-standing geological controversy – A massive collision at the edge of the Pacific Ocean was the culprit.

Published Aug. 31, 2017 9:47 AM

Professor Emeritus Knut Bjørlykke at the Department of Geosciences could recently proudly show the textbook Petroleum Geoscience in Chinese. The book, first time published in 2010, was revised and expanded in a second edition in 2015. In august 2017 it is also avaiable in Chinese.

Published Aug. 25, 2017 4:20 PM

Department of Geosciences participates in the FME centre SUCCESS which does research on CO2 storage. The SUCCESS centre was in 2016 entering into the final two years and is now in the phase of concluding its work. 

Published May 10, 2017 2:58 PM

Aerial photos taken by drones are of great help for documenting changes at the ground for researchers at Department of Geosciences. Photos of the thawing of permafrost get attention, and in the May edition of the journal Nature Climate Change is one of their photos of decreasing permafrost in North of Norway chosen as a cover photo.

Published Apr. 4, 2017 2:27 PM

It will be built a new classroom in connection with Auditorium 1 in the Geology building, Blindern. Auditorium 1-2 will therefore be closed from 18 April to tentatively Sept. 15, 2017. Also Visjonariet will be closed in certain periods.

Published Mar. 8, 2017 11:48 AM

The Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics was opened in March 2013, and is now in 2017 turned four SFF-year-old. CEED is a Center of Excellence (CEO) at University of Oslo, hosted by the Department of Geosciences.

Published Dec. 16, 2016 11:44 PM

American Geophysical Union had recently its big annual fall meeting in San Francisco. Here participated PhD fellow Solveig Havstad Winsvold, Department of Geosciences. She presented a new way to measure glaciers, now mentioned in an article by NASA SCIENCE.

Published Dec. 15, 2016 3:10 PM

Several interested members of the public and researchers working with natural hazards and earthquakes were in the audience on 13. December to follow the seminar on Risk and management of earthquakes. CEED-professor Torgeir B. Andersen gave a lecture about why Italy are affected by a large number of earthquakes and discussed several aspects concerning the geology of earthquakes.

Published Sep. 5, 2016 4:29 PM

The University of Oslo (UiO) research prize for 2016 was given to Professor Trond H. Torsvik in a formal ceremony at University's Aula on Friday 2nd September 2016.