Japanese students to the University of Oslo to study modeling of the cryosphere

Five Japanese PhD students and several academic staff from Hokkaido University, Sapporo, followed this year the course GEO9440 - Cryospheric modeling, provided by the Department of Geosciences. All of them participated in the exchange project CryoEAST, supported by the High North Programme/DIKU.

The Japanese course participants gathered in the foyer of the Geology Building, Blindern, UiO. PHOTO: Daniel Gundersen/SIU

The Japanese course participants gathered in the foyer of the Geology Building, Blindern, UiO. PHOTO: Daniel Gundersen/SIU

Geographers and hydrologists at the Department of Geosciences, university of Oslo held in January a two week intensive course (January 11-22, 2016 ) on modeling of the cryosphere (permafrost, snow and glaciers).

Among those who followed the teaching in the intensive course GEO9440 - Cryospheric modeling, were some of them from far east, namely a group from Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.

- A good balance between theory and practice made ​​this course very useful, says the Japanese student Takatoshi Yasuda.

Yasuda was one of five Japanese PhD students who followed the course, in addition there was also almost the same number of Norwegian PhD students from the Department of Geosciences.

In addition, it participated also 2 Japanese rofessors who contributed to the teaching the course. Main responsible for teaching was Associate Professor Thomas Vikhamar Schuler and Research Fellow Daniel Schmid, both from the Department of Geosciences.

The exchange project CryoEAST, which made possible that the Japanese participants came to the University of Oslo, is financed by SIUs High North Programme.

By Gunn Kristin Tjoflot
Published Jan. 27, 2016 2:54 PM - Last modified Dec. 23, 2022 1:46 PM