Canteen becomes a Learning Environment Center

The Estate Department/UiO is rebuilding the old canteen in the ZEB building to a learning environment center that the geo-students can use.

Floor plan for the new learning environment center in the ZEB building. Construction plan: Estate Department/ UiO

Floor plan for the new learning environment center in the ZEB building. Construction plan: Estate Department/ UiO

Building of a new learning environment center in the ZEB building

In the premises of the former SiO canteen in the ZEB building (BL21) vis-à-vis the Geology building, will those studying geosciences, pharmacy and music get a new meeting place.

The new center is for students so they can have study groups, meetings, read or to meet each other between the lectures. The center will include 5 rooms for study groups, a reading room with 49 "quiet" desks, book cabinets, a small kitchen and several sofa groups. In addition, there is a separate office for Geofaglig fagutvalg and the student association at the Department of Geosciences, GÆA NORVEGICA. See the floor plan i full size.

From before, the master's students in geosciences have reading rooms on the 2nd floor of the building.

The Estate Department commenced the construction work in August, and they expect to finish the new center in December (week 51).

We look forward to the new center will be opened!

Right now, the entrance to the building area looks like this, but when finished this will be a long-awaited and great learning environment center that all geo-students can use. Photo: GKT/UiO



Published Sep. 15, 2017 10:16 AM - Last modified Dec. 23, 2022 1:46 PM