Petroleum Geoscience - textbook now also in Chinese

Professor Emeritus Knut Bjørlykke at the Department of Geosciences could recently proudly show the textbook Petroleum Geoscience in Chinese. The book, first time published in 2010, was revised and expanded in a second edition in 2015. In august 2017 it is also avaiable in Chinese.

A proud editor presents the Chinese translation of the textbook Petroleum Geoscience: From Sedimentary Environments to Rock Physics. Knut Bjørlykke is the editor, here photographed outside the Geology building, UiO. Photo: Gunn Kristin Tjoflot / UiO

A proud editor presents the Chinese translation of the textbook Petroleum Geoscience: From Sedimentary Environments to Rock Physics. Knut Bjørlykke is the editor, here photographed outside the Geology building, UiO. Photo: Gunn Kristin Tjoflot / UiO

Petroleum geology textbook transelated to Chinese

The book of Petroleum Geoscience - From Sedimentary Environments to Rock Physics was revised and extended in a second edition in 2015, given out of the German publisher group Springer Verlag. The first edition of  was already published in 2010. The book is an often used textbook in the field of geology and petroleum geology studies.

Professor Emeritus Knut Bjørlykke, Department of Geosciences, is the editor of this comprehensive book. When the textbook came out in second edition in 2015 it was also decided that it would be translated into Chinese. It is not everyday that a textbook with only Norwegian authors is translated into Chinese.

Now at the end of August 2017, Bjørlykke can finally show us a Chinese version of the textbook. The target group for the book are students in petroleum geology in China. China has two major universities dedicated to petroleum studies.

Wide overview of the subject area

Petroleum Geoscience is a textbook for professionals working in the oil and gas sector. But it is also for geology students who want a broad overview of petroleum geology and related subject areas.

Author of most chapters in the book is Bjørlykke himself or he in team with others. But many others have also contributed articles in the book. Look below for the contributors.

The textbook is especially widely used in Europe, the United States and China according to sales statistics for the book. Translated to Chinese, it may potentially reach more students and interested in the subject.


Reference to the 2015 edition of the book:

Bjørlykke, Knut (Ed.), 2015. Petroleum Geoscience - From Sedimentary Environments to Rock Physics. Springer Verlag, 662 p. ISBN 978-3-642-02332-3

Article authors from The Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo (UiO):
Jan Inge Faleide, Roy Gabrielsen, Kaare Høeg, Helge Hellevang, Jens Jahren, Jenö Nagy & Nazmul Haque Mondol

Other aticle authors:
Nils Martin Hanken, Pål Gabrielsen, Ståle Johansen, Ragnar Knarud, Martin Landrø, Jesper Kresten Nielsen, Jan Rivenæs & Hans Rønnevik

By Gunn Kristin Tjoflot
Published Aug. 31, 2017 9:47 AM - Last modified Dec. 23, 2022 1:46 PM