Louis Agassiz Medal from EGU to Professor Andreas Max Kääb

European Geophysical Union: EGU has recently announced who gets awards and medals for 2019. One of the lucky ones is Professor of geomatics Andreas Max Kääb, Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo who is awarded the Louis Agassiz Medal for 2019.

Professor Andreas Max Kääb, department of Geosciences, University of Oslo. Photo: Ola Sæther/Uniforum/UiO 

Professor Andreas Max Kääb, Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo. Photo: Ola Sæther/Uniforum/UiO 

The Louis Agassiz Medal is a hight ranked and recognized award within chryosphere research. A research field where Andreas Max Kääb have contributed in with several research articles and projects. Furthermore Kääb is project leader of the ERC Advanced Grant project; 'Global Glacier Mass Continuity (ICEMASS)'.

The medal and prize winners will official receive the awards at the EGU 2019 General Assembly, which will take place in Vienna on 7–12 April 2019.

About the EGUs prizes on EGU's web pages (press release):

Published Oct. 17, 2018 2:02 PM - Last modified Dec. 23, 2022 1:00 PM