GEO-professor contribute in a new Horizon 2020 project on how air pollution affects climate

The FORCeS project coordinated by Stockholm University got recently a grant from EU Horizon 2020. With this project 20 research teams will contribute to more precise climate projections by reducing the uncertainty on how particles in the air affect climate. Trude Storelvmo at Department of Geosciences will lead one of the work packages in FORCeS.

Professor Trude Storelvmo, Department of Geosciences. Photo: Private

Professor Trude Storelvmo, Department of Geosciences. Photo: Private

FORCeS brings together 20 European research teams at the forefront of different facets of climate research. The project is transdisciplinary collaboration between experts on the process and climate scale.

Professor in meteorology Trude Storelvmo from Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo is leading one of the work packages in the project. Her work package is entitled: "Transient Climate Sensitivity and Response". With the project, it follows a post.doc position. Also a professor colleague Terje Koren Berntsen will be involved in the project.

FORCeS will address the critical knowledge gap between air pollution and climat projections using a combination of observational data from laboratory, field and satellites as well as theoretical approaches ranging from molecular theory to Earth system modeling.

The project will last for four years and the budget is approximately 8.0 million euros. It is coordinated by ACES, Stockholm University, and is a result of long-term collaborative efforts between the researchers at the various partner organizations.

The kick-off meeting of FORCeS will be in Stockholm November 2019.

By Gunn Kristin Tjoflot
Published May 9, 2019 2:44 PM - Last modified Dec. 23, 2022 1:46 PM