EGU Louis Agassiz Medal to Professor Kääb

Vienna 8th of April: The European Geosciences Union (EGU) presented Professor Andreas Max Kääb, Department of Geosciences with the "Louis Agassiz Medal" of 2019. The medal is awarded to research efforts that are "outstanding", and the reasons from EGU for awarding Kääb the medal speak for themselves.

Prof. Andreas Max Kääb, Department of Geosciences receives medal and diploma by EGU, Vienna; April 8, 2019. Photo: Bernd Etzelmüller/UiO

Prof. Andreas Max Kääb, Department of Geosciences receives medal and diploma by EGU, Vienna; April 8, 2019. Photo: Bernd Etzelmüller/UiO

A proud winner of the prize, Andreas, on 8 April, got the EGU Louis Agassiz medal at the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) in Vienna, Austria. This conference gather over 12,000 professionals in disciplines under the Geosciences-umbrella each year.

The EGU Louis Agassiz medal a highly rated and recognized honor in the research of the cryosphere (the frozen landscape; snow, ice, glaciers, permafrost). The prize has been awarded since 2006 and now in 2019 to Professor of geomatics Andreas Max Kääb, Department of Geosciences.

Kääb has contributed to many research articles and leads many projects, including the ERC Advanced Grant project 'Global Glacier Mass Continuity (ICEMASS)''. He is also the lead author of the IPCC special report on Oceans and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, which will be published during 2019.

The reasons from EGU for awarding Kääb the medal speak for themselves and can be read here; Louis Agassiz medal 2019 to Kaab.

Published Apr. 10, 2019 12:29 PM - Last modified Dec. 23, 2022 1:00 PM