Six new projects got FRIPRO-funding

The Department of Geosciences receives funding for six new projects from the Fri prosjektstøtte / FRIPRO program from the Research Council of Norway (NFR). This was announced December 18 last year. A total of three research projects as well as three projects in the "Young Research Talents" category are supported.

Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo.

Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo.

At UiO, a total of 89 projects received support from this year's grant from NFR, Uniforum writes in its article. The grant amounts vary from NOK 3.9 million to NOK 12 million.

Of the lucky project managers from the University of Oslo who received support, six are from the subject field of geosciences. The support is provided through the program FRIPRO – Banebrytende forskning, and within the theme group Science and Technology. The projects range widely in the field of geosciences, see titles below.

The Department of Geosciences receives project support for these research projects:

Research projects:

  • The Rough Ocean, Joe Lacasce, MetOs
  • Permafrost ecosystems as basis for human life in Mongolia-evaluating the impact of land use change in a warming climateSebastian Westerman, GeoHyd
  • Multi-scale-multi-method analysis of mechanisms causing ice acceleration MAMMAMIAThomas Schuler, GeoHyd

Young Research Talents / Unge forskertalenter (YFF):

  • MAgma PLays with sedimEntary rockS – Element exchange between magma, sedimentary host-rocks and environmentSara Callegaro, CEED
  • Emergent networks: Predicting strain localization and fracture network developmentJess McBeck, NJORD
  • Upscaling hotspots - understanding the variability of critical land-atmosphere fluxes to strengthen climate modelsNorbert Pirk, GeoHyd

All projects that have applied for funding have been carefully evaluated by expert panels. NFR received nearly 3,000 applications by the deadline of April 10, 2019, and a total of 350 projects passed through the needle eye. Only the best projects get support.

To give every application as thorough a treatment as possible, NFR has as many as 750 international experts to evaluate the applications, writes NFR on its website.

The Department of Geosciences congratulates!


Read articles (in Norwegian)

3,3 milliarder kroner til nyskapende forskning, NFR/pressemelding, 18.12.2019

Forskningsrådet deler ut 3,3 milliarder kroner til nyskapende forskning, Uniforum, 18.12.2019

Storeslem til Universitetet i Oslo — får suverent mest pengar frå Forskingsrådet, Khrono, 18.12.2019

Published Jan. 2, 2020 1:56 PM - Last modified July 3, 2023 11:50 AM