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News - Page 3

Published Oct. 4, 2022 11:26 AM

At Njord, we would like to congratulate Eirik Flekkøy and Alex Hansen who released the book "Physics of Flow in Porous Media". The third author, Jens Feder, passed away in 2019, and was the first director of the centre of excellence Physics of Geological Processes. This book builds on strong competences researchers in Oslo and Trondheim have built on the physics of porous media and that have led to the creation of the centre of excellence PoreLab.

Published Sep. 9, 2022 3:12 PM

The French couple Krafft lived and died for a deeper understanding of the mysteries of volcanoes. The documentary Fire of Love describes their life and work. At the film display in Cinema Vega on 1 September at Oslo Pix, Olivier Galland, researcher at the Department of Geosciences, was invited to introduce the film to the audience.

Publisert 9. juni 2022 14:21

Senter for grunnforskning ved Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi har tildelt prosjektet; "Friction and Fracture and the Onset of Geohazards (FricFrac)" støtte som CAS-prosjekt for 2023/24. Prosjektet er ledet av professorene Francois Renard, Institutt for geofag og Anders Malthe-Sørensen, Fysisk institutt.

Published Dec. 20, 2021 8:59 AM

A new Njord project CO2Basalt: Flow and mineral sequestration of carbon dioxide in basalts offshore Norway is set to receive two PhD positions and one Postdoc position starting in 2022. For industries that cannot avoid the production of carbon dioxide as a by-product, capture and geological storage of carbon dioxide is necessary for reaching net zero emissions. The project CO2Basalt will research the geological and physical conditions for mineral trapping and permanent storage of carbon dioxide within basalts of the Norwegian Continental Shelf.