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News - Page 4

Published Oct. 24, 2019 12:56 PM

PhD Day is an annual event organized each year by the UiO Science Library, in collaboration with the MN-faculty. There are scheduled lectures, and a poster session in which fellows at the faculty are invited to participate. This year Marius Lambert, Department of Geosciences won the award for the best poster. The competition was fierce. 

Published Aug. 16, 2016 11:16 AM

The 3rd ABYSS Workshop will take place in Oslo from 1-2 of September 2016. The meeting will be followed by a field trip to Røros, Feragen. The short course n°5 “Microstructures and Modelling reaction driven fracturing” will be held from 7-9 of September 2016 in Oslo.

Publisert 7. des. 2015 15:48

Institutt for geofag får støtte til tre prosjekter fra Fri prosjektstøtte / FRINATEK fra Forskningsrådet. Dette ble klart fredag 4. desember og innebærer støtte til to forskerprosjekter, samt støtte til et prosjekt i kategorien "Unge forskertalenter" til Mathew Domeier fra CEED - Senter for Jordens utvikling og dynamikk.