Teaching and Learning Journal Club Meeting

Welcome to the a new Teaching and Learning Journal Club Meeting 02. November 12.15.

Welcome to the section for Geoscience Education's monthly "Journal club"! We would like to invite everyone with an interest in teaching and learning to join us in our discussion of a paper that we've read (or book chapter/video/practice).

This is a regular opportunity for all members of the department to meet and discuss issues related to teaching and educational research; the article provides a theme for the meeting, but the ensuing discussion can be wide-ranging.

This meeting's theme is: reflective teaching and the value of knowing who's in the room.

The paper is: 'The Messy Teaching Conversation: Toward a Model of Collegial Reflection, Exchange, and Scholarship on Classroom Problems <https://bibsys-almaprimo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo-explore/fulldisplay?docid=TN_cdi_proquest_journals_220958436&context=PC&vid=UIO&search_scope=default_scope&tab=default_tab&lang=en_US> 'by H. L. Johnsen, M. Pacht, P. van Slyck, and T. M. Tsao, TETYC, 2009. (Access through Oria.)

There will be a short presentation of the article, followed by an informal discussion, coffee and cake!

We look forward to seeing you on November 2nd!

Best regards

Karianne, Mattias, Kirsty, Gerald and Kristian, The Geosciences Education Section

Contact Karianne (k.s.lilleoren@geo.uio.no) or Mattias (mattias@geo.uio.no)

Published Aug. 10, 2022 10:19 AM - Last modified Oct. 19, 2022 9:46 AM