GeoHyd Lunch Seminar: Reconstructing deglaciation of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet with deep learning model

Welcome to our GeoHyd Lunch Seminar on Friday 7th of June @ 12:15 in Aud. 1 in the Geology Building, or via videolink using Zoom. The seminar is held by Evan Blanc (Nantes Université, France).

Seminar by Evan Blanc (Nantes Université, France)

Reconstructing deglaciation of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet with deep learning model


Climate change presents a significant challenge, with the rapid melting of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets being of particular concern. Despite the unprecedented pace of current melting, historical data reveals that similar fluctuations have occurred in ice sheets before. Understanding these past variations can provide insights into the complex dynamics of ice sheets and help predict future changes. This study focuses on the Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS), which covered large parts of northern Europe between ca 35,000 to 10,000 years ago. Utilizing the Instructed Glaciers Model (IGM), a Python-based tool incorporating physical and machine learning approaches, we simulate the deglaciation of the SIS, accounting for variations in the Equilibrium Line Altitude (ELA) and climatic conditions. The study aims to evaluate the model's consistency with historical reconstructions of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), Younger Dryas (YD), and final deglaciation phases, and to explore the possibility of a thin, multi-domed ice sheet in southern Norway. The results will provide insights into the changes in ice flow during deglaciation of ice sheets, and assess the applicability of the machine-learning models for large-scale ice sheet studies.


The GeoHyd seminars are normally held in Auditorium 1 in the Geology Building, Blindern (map) but it is also possible to follow the seminars at Zoom.

Videolink to the lectures will be sent to the e-mail list alle@geo and geohyd-info@geo. If you want to subscribe to the geohyd-info@geo mailing list send an email to Anita.

About the seminar series

The talks in GeoHyd Lunch Seminar Series are offered by the Section for Geography and Hydrology (GeoHyd), Dept. of Geosciences, University of Oslo. The seminars are announced as lunch seminars so bring your lunch if you want to. 

The seminars are open for everyone interested, and especially students are welcome. 

The Lunch Seminar Team​​​
– Thomas and Yeliz

Published June 4, 2024 2:25 PM - Last modified June 4, 2024 2:25 PM