***WEBINAR***: METOS Seminar, May 05

Title: Our common future ocean in the Earth system - introduction to ocean tipping points

Speaker:  Christoph Heinze, University of Bergen

Image may contain: polo shirt, t-shirt, sleeve, top.

Speaker: Christoph Heinze, UiB


The project COMFORT will be presented. COMFORT is a Research and Innovation Action project funded under the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges programme of the European Union. COMFORT will close knowledge gaps for key ocean tipping elements within the Earth system under anthropogenic physical and chemical climate forcing through a coherent interdisciplinary research approach, and aims to provide added value to decision and policy makers in terms of science based safe marine operating spaces, refined climate mitigation targets, and feasible long-term mitigation pathways. It focuses on the triple threat of (1) warming, (2) deoxygenation, and (3) ocean acidification, and how to optimally deal with this threat. Links to other Earth system reservoirs will be included in the assessment where relevant. 32 partners contribute to COMFORT from Europe, India, Canada, and South Africa. See also: www.comfort-project.eu



Published Jan. 16, 2020 10:38 AM - Last modified Aug. 29, 2022 11:43 AM