Archive - Page 6

Time and place: , Tallhall /

Title: If staying ‘well below 2°C’ is virtually impossible, what temperature outcomes are more likely?

Speaker:   Glen Peters, Cicero

Time and place: , Sognsveien 77B

Title: Advancing our understanding of the impacts of historic and projected land use in the Earth System: The Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP)

Speaker:   David Lawrence, UCAR

Time and place: , Rio / Cicero

Title: Multi-gas greenhouse gas metrics: It’s time to discard GWP100

Speaker: Ray Pierrehumbert, Univ of Oxford

Time and place: , Sognsveien 77B

Title: Boundary Layer Research at GFI/UiB

Speaker:   Joachim Reuder, Univ of Bergen

Time and place: , Sognsveien 77B

Title: Glaciation of Convective Clouds

Speaker:  Corinna Hoose, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Time and place: , Tallhall /

Title: The life cycle of aerosol particles from cradle to grave – and how clouds intervene

Speaker:  Ilona Riipinen, Stockholm University

Time and place: , Rio / Cicero

Title: The utility of reduced-complexity Earth system models

Speaker:  Chris Smith, Univ. of Leeds

Time and place: , Tallhall /

Title: Trends in Black Carbon and Ultrafine Particles in Germany - Long-Term Observations of the German Ultrafine Aerosol Network (GUAN)

Speaker:  Alfred Wiedensohler,  TROPOS Leipzig

Time and place: , Tallhall /


Title: Air pollution impacts on the carbon cycle

Speaker: Nadine Unger, University of Exeter

Time and place: , Rio / Cicero

Title: Impact of Climate Change on the Trolls of Norway

Speaker: David Battisti, Univ. of Washington

Time and place: , Via/Ciens, Forskningsparken

Title: Eastern Mediterranean summer temperatures since 730 CE from Mt. Smolikas tree-ring density data

Speaker: Jan Esper, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz

Time and place: , Rio / Cicero

Title: The contribution of radiative transfer error and base state diversity to inter-model spread in climate responses

Speaker: Ryan Kramer, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Time and place: , Rio / Cicero

Title: The role of aerosols in the predictability at the subseasonal-to-seasonal scale

Speaker: Angela Benedetti, ECMWF

Time and place: , Rio / Cicero

Title: ACE -- Analytic Climate Economy (with Temperature and Uncertainty)

Speaker:  Christian Träger, UiO (Dept. of Econ.)

Time and place: , Rio / Cicero

Title: Aerosols and Ancient History in Arctic and Alpine Ice

Speaker:  Joe McConnell, DRI

Time and place: , Rio / Cicero

Title: The role of chemistry on the climate forcing of major volcanic eruptions

Speaker:    Kostas Tsigaridis, NASA GISS

Time and place: , Rio / Cicero

Title: Sulfate in the stratosphere: Efficiency, QBO and impact on stratospheric dynamics

Speaker:   Ulrike Niemeier, MPI-M

Time and place: , Rio / Cicero

Title: Ice nucleating aerosol particles and the cloud-phase climate feedback

Speaker:  Benjamin Murray, Univ. of Leeds

Time and place: , Rio / Cicero

Title: Aerosol effects on precipitation - bridging the scales

Speaker:  Philip Stier, Univ. of Oxford

Time and place: , Rio / Cicero

Title: The role of new particle formation in the remote atmosphere: Improving our understanding through global-scale in-situ measurements from the NASA atmospheric tomography mission.

Speaker:  Christina Williamson, NCAR

Time and place: , Tallhall /


Speaker: Angela Benedetti, ECMWF

Time and place: , Rio / Cicero

Title: Extratropical volcanic eruptions and climate

Speaker: Matthew Toohey, Geomar

Time and place: , Rio / Cicero


Speaker: Thomas Richardson, U. of Leeds

Time and place: , Tallhall /

Title: Aerosol-cloud interactions in the Arctic: Recent results from observations on Svalbard and the high Arctic

Speaker: Paul Zieger, Univ. Stockholm

Time and place: , Tallhall /

Title: Are aerosol remote sensing products from satellite good enough to evaluate models?

Speaker: Nick Schutgens, VU Amsterdam