Archive - Page 7

Time and place: , Tallhall /

Title: The Polar Radiant Energy in the Far Infrared Experiment (PREFIRE): Filling a Startling Gap in Polar Climate Observation

Speaker: Tristan L'Ecuyer, U. Wisconsin

Time and place: , Tallhall /

Title: Earth’s surface radiation budget and its changes over time

Speaker: Martin Wild, ETH-Zürich

Time and place: , Rio / Cicero

Title: The Dynamics of Abrupt Climate Change

Speaker: Kerim Nisancioglu, UiB

Time and place: , Rio / Cicero

Title: Increasing our understanding of atmospheric turbulence - the Comtessa tracer experiments.

Speaker: Anna Solvejg Dinger, NILU

Time and place: , Rio / Cicero

Title: Atmospheric Structure and its Response to Global Warming

Speaker: Geoff Vallis, U. of Exeter

Time and place: , Rio / Cicero

Title: Ice formation in the atmosphere - how does it work and why does it matter?

Speaker: Ulrike Lohmann, ETH-Zürich

Time and place: , Rio / Cicero

Title: Surface superrotation

Speaker: Rodrigo Caballero, MISU

Time and place: , Rio / Cicero

Title: North Atlantic jet stream variability from weather to climate time scales

Speaker: Camille Li, UiB

Time and place: , Rio / Cicero

Title: Do we underestimate the today’s risk of extremes?

Speaker: Erich Fischer, ETH Zürich

Time and place: , Rio / Cicero

Title: High Mountain Asia glacier changes in the early 21st century

Speaker: Andreas Kääb, UiO

Time and place: , Rio / Cicero

Atmospheric and climate sciences have a stronghold in Oslo among the four institutions University of Oslo, the Meteorological Institute, CICERO and NILU. This joint seminar invites renowned international experts to contribute to an informal series of lectures, meant to create interaction with the Oslo atmospheric and climate science community on recent highlights and analysis in the field. All seminars will be held on Thursdays (Noon -1pm) and lunch (sandwiches) will be served on a “first-come-first-served”-basis.

Time and place: , Tallhall /

Atmospheric and climate sciences have a stronghold in Oslo among the four institutions University of Oslo, the Meteorological Institute, CICERO and NILU. This joint seminar invites renowned international experts to contribute to an informal series of lectures, meant to create interaction with the Oslo atmospheric and climate science community on recent highlights and analysis in the field. All seminars will be held on Thursdays (Noon -1pm) and lunch (sandwiches) will be served on a “first-come-first-served”-basis.

Time and place: , Rio / Cicero

Atmospheric and climate sciences have a stronghold in Oslo among the four institutions University of Oslo, the Meteorological Institute, CICERO and NILU. This joint seminar invites renowned international experts to contribute to an informal series of lectures, meant to create interaction with the Oslo atmospheric and climate science community on recent highlights and analysis in the field. All seminars will be held on Thursdays (Noon -1pm) and lunch (sandwiches) will be served on a “first-come-first-served”-basis.

Time and place: , Cicero, Rio

Atmospheric and climate sciences have a stronghold in Oslo among the four institutions University of Oslo, the Meteorological Institute, CICERO and NILU. This joint seminar invites renowned international experts to contribute to an informal series of lectures, meant to create interaction with the Oslo atmospheric and climate science community on recent highlights and analysis in the field. All seminars will be held on Thursdays (Noon -1pm) and lunch (sandwiches) will be served on a “first-come-first-served”-basis.

Time and place: , Cicero, Rio

Atmospheric and climate sciences have a stronghold in Oslo among the four institutions University of Oslo, the Meteorological Institute, CICERO and NILU. This joint seminar invites renowned international experts to contribute to an informal series of lectures, meant to create interaction with the Oslo atmospheric and climate science community on recent highlights and analysis in the field. All seminars will be held on Thursdays (Noon -1pm) and lunch (sandwiches) will be served on a “first-come-first-served”-basis.

Time and place: , Cicero, Rio

Atmospheric and climate sciences have a stronghold in Oslo among the four institutions University of Oslo, the Meteorological Institute, CICERO and NILU. This joint seminar invites renowned international experts to contribute to an informal series of lectures, meant to create interaction with the Oslo atmospheric and climate science community on recent highlights and analysis in the field. All seminars will be held on Thursdays (Noon -1pm) and lunch (sandwiches) will be served on a “first-come-first-served”-basis.

Time and place: , Tallhall /

Atmospheric and climate sciences have a stronghold in Oslo among the four institutions University of Oslo, the Meteorological Institute, CICERO and NILU. This joint seminar invites renowned international experts to contribute to an informal series of lectures, meant to create interaction with the Oslo atmospheric and climate science community on recent highlights and analysis in the field. All seminars will be held on Thursdays (Noon -1pm) and lunch (sandwiches) will be served on a “first-come-first-served”-basis.

Time and place: , Cicero, Rio

Atmospheric and climate sciences have a stronghold in Oslo among the four institutions University of Oslo, the Meteorological Institute, CICERO and NILU. This joint seminar invites renowned international experts to contribute to an informal series of lectures, meant to create interaction with the Oslo atmospheric and climate science community on recent highlights and analysis in the field. All seminars will be held on Thursdays (Noon -1pm) and lunch (sandwiches) will be served on a “first-come-first-served”-basis.

Time and place: , Tallhall /

Atmospheric and climate sciences have a stronghold in Oslo among the four institutions University of Oslo, the Meteorological Institute, CICERO and NILU. This joint seminar invites renowned international experts to contribute to an informal series of lectures, meant to create interaction with the Oslo atmospheric and climate science community on recent highlights and analysis in the field. All seminars will be held on Thursdays (Noon -1pm) and lunch (sandwiches) will be served on a “first-come-first-served”-basis.

Time and place: , Rio, Cicero

Atmospheric and climate sciences have a stronghold in Oslo among the four institutions University of Oslo, the Meteorological Institute, CICERO and NILU. This joint seminar invites renowned international experts to contribute to an informal series of lectures, meant to create interaction with the Oslo atmospheric and climate science community on recent highlights and analysis in the field. All seminars will be held on Thursdays (Noon -1pm) and lunch (sandwiches) will be served on a “first-come-first-served”-basis.

Time and place: , MetOs, Forskningsparken H3

Atmospheric and climate sciences have a stronghold in Oslo among the four institutions University of Oslo, the Meteorological Institute, CICERO and NILU. This joint seminar invites renowned international experts to contribute to an informal series of lectures, meant to create interaction with the Oslo atmospheric and climate science community on recent highlights and analysis in the field. All seminars will be held on Thursdays (Noon -1pm) and lunch (sandwiches) will be served on a “first-come-first-served”-basis.

Time and place: , Cicero, Rio

Title: How the fingerprint of past volcanic eruptions extracted from ice cores reveals their footprint on global climate

Speaker: Michael Sign (PSI/UiO)

Time and place: , MetOs common area, CIENS H3, Forskningsparken

Upcoming seminar in meteorology and oceanography:

Speaker: Helen Johnson is a Research Fellow at The Earth Sciences Department, University of Oxford (UK).

Time and place: , Room Via, CIENS, Forskningsparken

Upcoming seminar in meteorology and oceanography:

Speaker: Eric Chassignet, Professor and Director of the Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies, Florida State University