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News - Page 5

Publisert 20. nov. 2015 14:11

Utstyrt med tung klimakompetanse og nyervervet kunnskap om regional klimamodellering håper professor Frode Stordal og kolleger fra Naturhistorisk museum å bidra til at nedhuggingen av regnskogen stanser. Det haster, mener Stordal.

Published June 4, 2015 1:22 PM

In September 2015 it is 100 years since one of the fathers of the modern meteorology was born - Arnt Eliassen (9.9.1915 – 22.4.2000). This is celebrated by DNVA and UiO with a seminar on how fundamental science can change the society. Eliassen is known among other topics for his research on dynamic metheorology, and important contributions to numerical weather forecast.

Published June 11, 2014 9:29 AM

Two PhD students from Department of Geosciences, Section for Meteorology and Oceanography (MetOs), UiO, Lise Seland Graff and Ada Gjermundsen, are first authors of articles recently published in two of the most prestigious journals in atmospheric sciences. The journals are the Journal of Climate and the Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, and the articles appeared online in June 2014. We congratulate them with the articles!