Alvar Braathen

Image of Alvar Braathen
Norwegian version of this page
Phone +47 22856664
Room K39
Visiting address Sem Sælands vei 1 Geologibygningen 0371 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1047 Blindern 0316 Oslo

Academic interests

Scientific focus is in tectonic studies with emphasize on fluid flow in sedimentary basins and bedrock.

Courses taught


Alvar has a broad background, starting with under-graduate and post-graduate studies  at the University of Tromsø (Master and PhD), and subsequent work at the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), the University of Bergen (UNI CIPR Center of Excellence), and the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS). Professor in structural geology at Dept. of Geosciences, UiO from 2013.

Tags: Geology, Structural geology, Groundwater, Petroleum geology, CO2 storage


  • Dahlin, Anders; Høj Blinkenberg, Kasper; Braathen, Alvar; Olaussen, Snorre; Senger, Kim & Smyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra Anna [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2024). Late syn-rift to early post-rift basin fill dynamics of a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate succession banked to a basement high, Hornsund, southwestern Spitsbergen, Arctic Norway. Basin Research. ISSN 0950-091X. doi: 10.1111/bre.12880.
  • Maher, Harmon; Braathen, Alvar; Ganerød, Morgan; Myhre, Per Inge; Osmundsen, Per Terje & Redfield, Thomas Fitzmaurice (2023). Discussion on ‘Paleozoic sedimentation and Caledonian terrane architecture in NW Svalbard: indications from U–Pb geochronology and structural analysis’ by Koglin et al. 2022 (JGS, 179, jgs2021-053) . Journal of the Geological Society. ISSN 0016-7649. 180(4). doi: 10.1144/jgs2022-179.
  • Haines, Emma Michie & Braathen, Alvar (2023). How displacement analysis may aid fault risking strategies for CO<inf>2</inf> storage. Basin Research. ISSN 0950-091X. 36(1). doi: 10.1111/bre.12807. Full text in Research Archive
  • Olaussen, Snorre; Grundvåg, Sten-Andreas; Senger, Kim; Anell, Ingrid; Betlem, Peter & Birchall, Thomas [Show all 15 contributors for this article] (2023). Svalbard Composite Tectono-Sedimentary Element, Barents Sea” . Geological Society of London Memoirs. ISSN 0435-4052. 57. doi: 10.1144/M57-2021-36. Full text in Research Archive
  • Osmundsen, Per Terje; Svendby, Anne Kathrine; Braathen, Alvar; Bakke, Beate & Andersen, Torgeir Bjørge (2023). Fault growth and orthogonal shortening in transtensional supradetachment basins: Insights from the `Old Red´ of western Norway. Basin Research. ISSN 0950-091X. 35(4), p. 1407–1432. doi: 10.1111/bre.12759.
  • Horota, Rafael Kenji; Senger, Kim; Rodes, Nil; Betlem, Peter; Smyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra & Jonassen, Marius Opsanger [Show all 8 contributors for this article] (2023). West Spitsbergen fold and thrust belt: A digital educational data package for teaching structural geology. Journal of Structural Geology. ISSN 0191-8141. 167. doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2022.104781. Full text in Research Archive
  • Maher, Harmon; Braathen, Alvar; Ganerød, Morgan; Osmundsen, Per Terje; Redfield, Tim & Myhre, Per Inge [Show all 8 contributors for this article] (2022). Core complex fault rocks of the Silurian to Devonian Keisarhjelmen detachment in NW Spitsbergen. In Kuiper, Yvette D. (Eds.), New Developments in the Appalachian-Caledonian-Variscan Orogen. The Geological Society of America. ISSN 978-0-8137-2554-3. p. 265–286. doi: 10.1130/2022.2554(11).
  • Würtzen, Camilla Louise; Braathen, Alvar; Poyatos-Moré, Miquel; Mulrooney, Mark Joseph; Line, Lina Hedvig & Midtkandal, Ivar (2022). Impact of faulting in depocentres development, facies assemblages, drainage patterns, and provenance in continental half-graben basins: An example from the Fanja Basin of Oman. Basin Research. ISSN 0950-091X. 00, p. 1–39. doi: 10.1111/bre.12731. Full text in Research Archive
  • Holden, Nora; Osmond, Johnathon L.; Mulrooney, Mark Joseph; Braathen, Alvar; Skurtveit, Elin & Sundal, Anja (2022). Structural characterization and across-fault seal assessment of the Aurora CO<inf>2</inf> storage site, northern North Sea. Petroleum Geoscience. ISSN 1354-0793. 28(4). doi: 10.1144/petgeo2022-036. Full text in Research Archive
  • Osmond, Johnathon; Mulrooney, Mark Joseph; Holden, Nora; Skurtveit, Elin; Faleide, Jan Inge & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Structural traps and seals for expanding CO<inf>2</inf> storage in the northern Horda platform, North Sea. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin. ISSN 0149-1423. 106(9), p. 1711–1752. doi: 10.1306/03222221110.

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  • Holden, Nora; Alaei, Behzad; Skurtveit, Elin & Braathen, Alvar (2024). The impact of depth conversion on fault geometry and its influence on fault-risk assessment in the Smeaheia storage site .
  • Hansen, Torsten Hundebøl; Blondel, Simon; Evans, Sian Lianne; Bruhn, Rikke & Braathen, Alvar (2024). CCNS - Evaluating CO2-storage potential offshore Southern Norway.
  • Blondel, Simon; Evans, Sian Lianne; Bruhn, Rikke & Braathen, Alvar (2023). CO2 storage research and Cross-border synergies in the southern Norwegian North Sea.
  • Blondel, Simon; Evans, Sian Lianne; Hansen, Torsten Hundebøl; Bruhn, Rikke & Braathen, Alvar (2023). CO2 storage research and cross-border synergies: Underground CO2 storage potential assessment in the western Norwegian-Danish basin.
  • Blondel, Simon; Evans, Sian Lianne; Bruhn, Rikke & Braathen, Alvar (2023). CO2 storage research and cross-border synergies: Underground CO2 storage potential assessment in the western Norwegian-Danish basin.
  • Evans, Sian Lianne; Blondel, Simon; Braathen, Alvar & Bruhn, Rikke (2023). Evolution of salt diapirs in the Norwegian NDB.
  • Evans, Sian Lianne; Blondel, Simon; Braathen, Alvar & Bruhn, Rikke (2023). Optimising Site Selection for CO2 Storage in Salt Basins: the Norwegian-Danish Basin, a future European energy hub.
  • Evans, Sian Lianne; Blondel, Simon; Braathen, Alvar & Bruhn, Rikke (2023). CO2 storage in salt basins: Influence of salt tectonics on seal integrity and containment risk.
  • Evans, Sian Lianne; Blondel, Simon; Braathen, Alvar & Bruhn, Rikke (2023). CO2 storage in salt basins: Influence of salt tectonics on seal integrity and containment risk.
  • Skurtveit, Elin; Midtkandal, Ivar & Braathen, Alvar (2023). A naturally occurring CO2 laboratory in Utah.
  • Skurtveit, Elin; Petrie, Elizabeth S.; Smith, Scott Adam; Faleide, Thea Sveva; Sundal, Anja & Choi, Jung Chan [Show all 10 contributors for this article] (2023). Core analysis from Little Grand Wash fault, Utah, and application for fault risk assessment for co2 storage in the Norwegian North Sea.
  • Osmond, J.L.; Holden, Nora; Mulrooney, Mark Joseph; Skurtveit, Elin; Faleide, Jan Inge & Braathen, Alvar (2023). Beyond Aurora and Smeaheia; structural traps and seals for additional CO2 storage within Jurassic Horda Platform aquifers.
  • Holden, Nora; Alaei, Behzad; Skurtveit, Elin & Braathen, Alvar (2023). Uncertainty in fault-risking. Influence of depth-conversion on fault-geometry and fault-risk assessment in the Smeaheia CO2 storage site .
  • Holden, Nora; Alaei, Behzad; Skurtveit, Elin & Braathen, Alvar (2023). Implications of depth-conversion on fault geometries and fault-risk assessment in the Smeaheia CO2 storage site, northern North Sea.
  • Holden, Nora; Alaei, Behzad; Skurtveit, Elin & Braathen, Alvar (2023). Uncertainty in fault-risk assessment - implications of depth-conversion on fault-risk assessment in the Smeaheia CO2 storage site, northern North Sea.
  • Holden, Nora; Osmond, Johnathon L.; Mulrooney, Mark Joseph; Skurtveit, Elin; Sundal, Anja & Braathen, Alvar (2023). Structural characterization and across-fault seal assessment of the Aurora CO2 storage site.
  • Parcher, J. & Braathen, Alvar (2023). Basement-top plays and Jurassic deposits off the Utsira High (Johan Sverdrup Field) .
  • Blinkenberg, Kasper & Braathen, Alvar (2023). Zechstein carbonates of the Utsira High region .
  • Osmundsen, P.T. & Braathen, Alvar (2023). Setting of the Frøya High and its northwards continuation to the Norland Ridge .
  • Peron-Pinvidic, Gwen & Braathen, Alvar (2023). Evolution of the mid-Norwegian margin – from rift to breakup .
  • Braathen, Alvar (2023). Plans for a Suprabasins-II proposal (to Petromaks2: 15/2 or 15/9-23?) .
  • Osmundsen, P.T. & Braathen, Alvar (2023). From rift-fault to mega-fault: fault throw and rollback impacting basin geometries .
  • Braathen, Alvar (2023). Impact of fault-elastic rebound for sediment characteristics in hanging wall basins: observations and cases .
  • Braathen, Alvar (2023). Isostatic rollback of faults and perched basins – some observations .
  • Braathen, Alvar (2023). Introduction to Utsira High proper .
  • Braathen, Alvar & Midtkandal, Ivar (2023). Plans for a Suprabasins-II proposal .
  • Braathen, Alvar (2023). Plans for a Suprabasins-II proposal .
  • Braathen, Alvar (2023). Status on Suprabasins .
  • Braathen, Alvar (2023). Introduction to Suprabasins .
  • Anell, Ingrid; Braathen, Alvar; Midtkandal, Ivar; Grimsrud Olsen, Stine; Haugen, Maria & Wallace, Malcolm W (2022). Geometric controls on clinoforms, the building blocks of sedimentary basins – from ripple to shelf-edge.
  • Gresseth, Julie & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Deep structures of the Bjarmland Platform region - Devonian tectonics guiding subsequent faulting in the Barents Shelf.
  • Julian, Janocha & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Upper Devonian to Permian source rock potential on Bjørnøya and implications for the Barents Shelf.
  • Dahlin, Anders & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Sørkapp-Hornsund High (South Spitsbergen) as an analogue to the Loppa High.
  • Braathen, Alvar & Midtkandal, Ivar (2022). Suprabasins – where do we go? .
  • Würtzen, Camilla Louise; Midtkandal, Ivar; Mulrooney, Mark Joseph & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Fault-influence in alluvial deposits of the Qahlah Formation - provenance, depocenter development, drainage patterns, and facies assemblage of Upper Cretaceous Fanja Basin, northeastern Oman.
  • Midtkandal, I; Braathen, Alvar & Osmundsen, Per Terje (2022). Rift footwall range geomorphology as a function of fault length and throw.
  • Smyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra; Augland, Amund; Betlem, Peter & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Deep-time paleoclimate events preserved in Svalbard’s rock record – a review. 35th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology.
  • Evans, Sian Lianne; Blondel, Simon & Braathen, Alvar (2022). How much structure is too much? De-risking CO2 storage sites in under-explored basins.
  • Smyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra; Blinkenberg, Kasper; Braathen, Alvar & Dahlin, Anders (2022). Carboniferous–Permian rift systems in Svalbard. .
  • Blinkenberg, Kasper; Hodgkins, Malcolm & Braathen, Alvar (2022). U/Pb geochronology status meeting .
  • Blinkenberg, Kasper & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Carbonate systems conference, Naples. Presented Zechstein study. LS + KHB + AD participated from Suprabasins.
  • Blinkenberg, Kasper; Rameil, Niels & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Core workshop and core viewing of Zechstein material.
  • Blinkenberg, Kasper; polonio, israel; Rameil, Niels & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Lundin carbonates .
  • Blinkenberg, Kasper; polonio, israel & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Zechstein collaboration work .
  • Blinkenberg, Kasper; polonio, israel & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Zechstein meeting .
  • Blinkenberg, Kasper; Hodgskiss, Malcolm S. W. & Braathen, Alvar (2022). U/Pb dating of Zechstein carbonates.
  • Blinkenberg, Kasper; polonio, israel & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Follow-up meeting .
  • Blinkenberg, Kasper; polonio, israel & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Zechstein meeting .
  • Blinkenberg, Kasper; Stemmerik,, Lars & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Permian carbonates of the Utsira High – new learnings. .
  • Osmundsen, Per Terje; Peron, Gwenn; Gresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested & Braathen, Alvar (2022). 3D evolution of exensional detachment faults and their effect on the architecture of rifts and rifted margins .
  • Osmundsen, Per Terje; Peron, Gwenn; Gresseth, Julie Linnea Sehested & Braathen, Alvar (2022). 3D evolution of large-magnitude extensional faults and their effects on the architecture of rifts and rifted margins.
  • Smyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Carboniferous to Permian rift deposits in Svalbard.
  • Osmundsen, Per Terje & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Evolution of border faults in rifts and at rifted margins: tectono-sedimentary relationships produced by large-magnitude faulting and successive incision.
  • Peron-Pinvidic, Gwen & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Prolonged evolution from rift to passive margin – the Mid-Norwegian Shelf.
  • Stemmerik, Lars; Olaussen, Snorre & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Late Permian-Early Triassic synrift basin fill: Breakup of Pangea and the first brick in the puzzle of NE Atlantic-Arctic Mesozoic-early Cenozoic continental extension.
  • Stemmerik, Lars & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Permian karstification in the northern North Atlantic and central Arctic .
  • Würtzen, Camilla Louise & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Fault-influence on the alluvial Upper Cretaceous Fanja Basin of northeastern Oman.
  • Poyatos-Moré, Miquel; Vicedo, v & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Depositional signatures and Tethys biostratigraphy of Paleogene tectonic keel basin – Ibra Basin, Oman.
  • Redfield, Tim F.; Osmundsen, Per Terje & Braathen, Alvar (2022). A possible neotectonic signal derived from rivers of the MTFC - can a similar method be applied to offshore top basement grids? .
  • Braathen, Alvar & Midtkandal, Ivar (2022). Suprabasins – where do we go? .
  • Braathen, Alvar (2022). Suprabasins – status on project.
  • Braathen, Alvar (2022). Fault-driven morphology of rifts.
  • Braathen, Alvar (2022). Suprabasins - Welcome and Introduction.
  • Braathen, Alvar (2022). Tectonic setting of basins in Oman, and their relevance to North Sea studies.
  • Braathen, Alvar (2022). Suprabasins Introduction; rift morphology.
  • Braathen, Alvar; Midtkandal, Ivar & Osmundsen, Per Terje (2022). Geomorphology of continental rift landscapes - analyses inspired by North Sea observations.
  • Puig, Josep & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Shallow marine sedimentary architecture of Jurassic growth-basin proximal to exhumed basement – the Johan Sverdrup case.
  • Hassan, Muhammad & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Tectonic evolution of the Utsira High region.
  • Puig, Jose Maria; Braathen, Alvar & Howel, John (2022). Shallow marine sedimentary architecture of Jurassic growth-basin proximal to exhumed basement – the Johan Sverdrup case.
  • Høj Blinkenberg, Kasper; Braathen, Alvar; Stemmerik, Lars; Gianotten, Ingrid Piene & Polonio, Israel (2022). Permian carbonates of the Utsira High - new learnings.
  • Würtzen, Camilla Louise; More, M.P; Midtkandal, Ivar & Braathen, Alvar (2022). The impact of faulting in depocentre development, facies assemblages, drainage patterns, and provenance in continental half‐graben basins: an example from the Fanja Basin of Oman. Basin Research.
  • Holden, Nora; Osmond, Johnathon; Mulrooney, Mark Joseph; Skurtveit, Elin; Braathen, Alvar & Sundal, Anja (2022). Influence of faults on Co2 migration.
  • Osmond, Johnathon; Mulrooney, Mark Joseph; Holden, Nora; Skurtveit, Elin; Faleide, Jan Inge & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Past fluid containment and present applications toward future CO2 storage in the northern Horda Platform, offshore Norway.
  • Vicedo, v; Robles-Salcedo, R; Poyatos-Moré, Miquel; Braathen, Alvar & Midtkandal, Ivar (2022). Evolution of a Paleogene shallow-marine platform in the northern sector of the Ibra Basin (NE Oman).
  • Braathen, Alvar (2022). Fault zone architecture and seismic imaging.
  • Skurtveit, Elin; Bjørnarå, Tore Ingvald; Haines, Emma Michie; Gasda, Sarah Eileen; Eidsvig, Unni & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Updated workflow for fault risk assessment and application to Vette Fault Zone, Horda Platform, offshore Norway.
  • Haines, Emma Michie & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Strategies to De-Risk Faults in the Subsurface for CO2 Storage: A Case Study from Smeaheia.
  • Braathen, Alvar; Skurtveit, Elin; Mulrooney, Mark Joseph; Haines, Emma Michie; Faleide, Thea Sveva & Osmond, Johnathon [Show all 10 contributors for this article] (2022). Understanding faults and their influence on fluid flow.
  • Osmond, Johnathon; Mulrooney, Mark Joseph; Holden, Nora; Skurtveit, Elin; Faleide, Jan Inge & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Quaternary stratigraphy and pockmark mapping in the Norwegian Channel, northern North Sea.
  • Osmond, Johnathon; Mulrooney, Mark Joseph; Würtzen, Camilla Louise; De La Cruz, E.; Skurtveit, Elin & Faleide, Jan Inge [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2022). Upper Jurassic through Lower Cretaceous seal characterization in the northern Horda Platform.
  • Osmond, Johnathon; Mulrooney, Mark Joseph; Holden, Nora; Skurtveit, Elin; Faleide, Jan Inge & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Screening traps and seals for CO2 storage expansion in the northern Horda Platform, Norwegian North Sea.
  • Osmond, Johnathon; Mulrooney, Mark Joseph; Holden, Nora; Skurtveit, Elin; Faleide, Jan Inge & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Distribution of faulted Mesozoic and Tertiary seals for CO2 storage in the northern Horda Platform, Norwegian North Sea.
  • Skurtveit, Elin; Bjørnarå, Tore Ingvald; Michie, Emma; Gasda, Sarah Eileen; Keilegavlen, Eirik & Sandve, Tor Harald [Show all 10 contributors for this article] (2022). Updated workflow for fault risk assessment and application to Vette Fault Zone, Horda Platform, offshore Norway.
  • Wu, Long; Skurtveit, Elin; Thompson, Nicholas D.; Michie, Emma; Fossen, Haakon & Braathen, Alvar [Show all 9 contributors for this article] (2022). Containment Risk Assessment and Management of CO2 Storage on the Horda Platform .
  • Haines, Emma Michie & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Strategies to De-Risk Faults in the Subsurface for CO2 Storage: A Case Study from Smeaheia.
  • Haines, Emma Michie; Braathen, Alvar & Alaei, Behzad (2022). How Fault Interpretation Method May Influence the Assessment of a Fault-bound CO2 Storage Site.
  • Betlem, Peter; Senger, Kim; Braathen, Alvar; Skurtveit, Elin; Park, Joonsang & Lecomte, Isabelle Christine [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2023). De-risking top seal integrity: Imaging heterogeneity across shale-dominated cap rock sequences. Universitetet i Oslo. ISSN 1501-7710.
  • Braathen, Alvar & Eliassen, Gard (2023). Sele Ridge tectonics. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Braathen, Alvar & Ekrene Johansen, Sindre (2022). Tectono-sedimentary evolution of NW parts of the Devonian Hornelen Basin, West Norway. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Jarl, Espelund & Braathen, Alvar (2022). Extensional fault growth in high-resolution seismic data. Universitetet i Oslo.

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Published Sep. 25, 2014 1:13 PM - Last modified Jan. 29, 2023 8:35 AM