
The Micropaleontology- and Palynological Lab (MicroPalLab) is used by two research disciplines. The facilities are used both for cultivation, extraction and identification of living and dead seafloor micro-organisms, and to study sedimentary organic matter and palynomorphs (organic walled microfossils) from sedimentary rock samples. The lab is used in research- and teaching activities at the Dept. of Geosciences.

The Ivar Giæver Geomagnetic Laboratory (IGGL) is a Norwegian national research infrastructure for geomagnetism, paleomagnetism and rock magnetism hosted by CEED, UiO. The lab provides (after application and by agreement) researchers in Norway and abroad access to state-of-the-art research facilities. The lab is located at Campus Blindern (UiO), Oslo.

In the ICPMS mass spectrometry lab we analyse isotopic ratios and elemental concentrations in solid matter and solutions. Used primarily for U-Pb and Lu-Hf analysis of zircon, but other types of analyses/samples are possible. The lab has over the years provided analyses of high quality for our own researchers and partners, and for teaching at the Dept. of Geosciences.

In the Organic Geochemistry Lab we analyse organic components in oils and environmental samples. The lab has over the years served as a research laboratory for several masters and PhD students in petroleum and environmental geosciences. The lab does not offer analyses, but the lab's instruments may by appointment be used by students and academic staff under the supervison of the lab personell.

The Aqueous Chemistry Lab is used for analysis of major and trace element compositions in natural waters and sediments. The lab provides data to research in environmental geosciences and for studies in disciplines related to pollution and environmental geosciences at the Dept. of Geosciences. It also has years of experience in providing analyses to a range of external clients.

The TIMS lab provides high-precison U-Pb dating of zircon and other uranium enriched minerals by isotope dilution thermal ionisation mass spectrometry. The lab has extensive experience in the determination of the timing of geological events. The method is applied to the resolution of many diverse problems in research, and also for assisting exploration programme in industry and for teaching at the Dept. of Geosciences.