The Friction and Interface Laboratory

The Friction and Interface Lab is used in Earth Science to analyse rock samples, and other geo-materials, biological samples could also be analysed. The laboratory was newly upgraded in the past 3 years and interconnects with the Flow Laboratory at the Dept. of Physics. Together they provide high quality analyses for UIO researchers and external partners. The lab also provides teaching at the Dept. of Geosciences.

The Atomic Force Microscope –Nanowizard/JPK; the white light interferometer profilometer – ContourGT/Bruker; The HADES apparatus/ ESRF /Grenoble, France, and the Nano Indenter G200X instrument. Photo: Yi Hu

From left: The Atomic Force Microscope –Nanowizard/JPK; the white light interferometer profilometer – ContourGT/Bruker; The HADES apparatus/ ESRF /Grenoble, France, and the Nano Indenter G200X instrument. Photo: Yi Hu

Booking and prices

Prices: Contact Facility Manager

Booking: Booking through BookitLab

Contact information: 

Facility Manager: Dr. Yi Hu
Location: Sem Sælands vei 24
0371 OSLO


The Friction and Interface Laboratory consists of the following instruments:

  • One triaxial deformation apparatus – HADES – the only one of its kind in the world. It is installed on the beamline ID19 at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF). (link)
  • CT5000 5kN in-situ tensile stage and compression for µXCT applications
  • Drop Shape Analyzer from Kruss
  • NanoWizard 4 AFM from JPK (link)
  • ContourGT 3D Optical Microscopy from Bruker (link)

Description of services:

  • The NanoWizard 4 AFM instrument;
    • Surface force measurement with in-situ fabricated calcite probe
    • Surface characterisation of granite after experimental slip surface 
    • Quantitative characterisation of dry samples
    • Mapping of material properties
    • Characterisation of electrical, electromechanical or magnetic sample properties
  • The ContourGT 3D Optical Microscope:
    • 3D surface measurement of materials

The operators at the lab can by agreement provide hands-on training to students/researchers at UiO for use of the AFM ContourGT instruments.

AFM ContourGT 3D Optical microscopy and Nano Indenter G200X

The Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), which is one type of scanning probe microscopy (SPM), has three major abilities: force measurement, nanoscale imaging, and manipulation.

In force measurement, AFM can be used to measure the forces between the probe and the sample. One of our researchers used it to measure the interfacial forces between two calcite surfaces in CaCO3-saturated solutions. [1] The force reaction between the probe and the sample can be used to form three-dimensional shape images at a high resolution. This can be achieved by recording the height of probe which corresponds to the constant probe-sample interaction. The forces between tip and sample can be used to change the properties of the sample based on user’s manipulation.

The ContourGT 3D Optical Microscopy provides high performance non-contact 3D surface structure measurements ranging from nanometers to centimeters.

This microscope can be used to measure surface profile, roughness, step height, microstructure and other surface parameters. One of our researchers used it to observe the topography of the calcite–water interface. [2]

The Nano Indenter G200X provides an easy-to-use nanoscale mechanical tester that quickly delivers accurate, quantitative results. It can be used for hardness, modulus, material property maps, fracture toughness, Interfacial adhesion and other property measurements.

Some research environments at UiO affiliated to and using the lab:

The laboratory can by appointment be used for research activities and/or to assist students at the Department of Geosciences.

Published May 24, 2019 9:47 AM - Last modified Aug. 23, 2022 1:09 PM