Optical microscopy and image analysis laboratory

The core of this laboratory is a Microscope Slide Scanner, which provides high-resolutions scans of thin sections or other microscopic samples. These virtual samples can be analyzed digitally in the Zeiss ZEN software and are used to get detailed overviews of samples, to make publication-quality figures, and to do more advanced image analysis. The scanner is complemented by two high-end petrographic microscopes. All instruments are part of the Goldschmidt Laboratory.

Sample trays with microscope slides are inserted into the scanner (left). The results are for example thin-section scans in plane- and cross-polarized light (right). Illustration/photo: Kristina Dunkel, UiO

Sample trays with microscope slides are inserted into the scanner (left). The results are for example thin section scans in plane- and cross-polarized light (right). Illustration/photo: Kristina Dunkel, UiO

Booking and prices

Prices: Contact Facility Manager

Booking: Booking through BookitLab

Contact information:

Facility Manager: Kristina Dunkel
Location: Sem Sælands vei 1
0371 OSLO


  • ZEISS Axioscan 7 Microscope Slide Scanner
    • three objectives (5x, 10x, 20x) 
    • cross-polarized light with up to six polarization angles
    • Z-stacking
  • Two ZEISS Axioscan 5 Petrographic Microscopes
    • high-quality camera 
    • four objectives (5x, 10x, 20x, 50x/100x) 
    • capturing, processing, and analysis of images in the Zeiss Zen software

Description of services:

  • Digitization of thin sections and other microscopic samples
  • Acquisition of high-quality, high-resolution scans (pixel size: 0.690-0.173 µm) in brightfield and cross-polarized light with up to six different polarization angles
  • Imaging of 3D-objects (e.g., fluid inclusions, palynological samples) by acquiring and combining scans at varying focus heights
  • usage of the petrographic microscope

About the Microscope Slide Scanner 

The Microscope Slide Scanner and the Zeiss ZEN software is easy to use in analyses of geological material prepared as a thin section. Photo: Kristina Dunkel, UiO
Scans are acquired via the Zeiss Zen software. Users can display, process, and analyse their scans independently in Zen lite, the free version of this software. Photo: Kristina Dunkel, UiO

The slide scanner contains an optical microscope with a powerful light source and camera. Slides are automatically loaded onto the microscope stage and moved to different positions, so that many separate micrographs can be taken, which are simultaneously stitched together to produce scans of the whole slide within minutes.

Scans can be acquired in cross-polarised light with different angles of polarization to get a full overview of interference colour, undulose extinction, and other microstructural features.

Three-dimensional objects can be imaged sharply by combining pictures taken at different focal depths (Z-stacking).

Users can view, process, and analyse the scans on their own time using the free version of the Zen software available on the Zeiss website.

Both the Microscope Slide Scanner and the petrographic microscopes are in BookitLab!

The laboratory can by appointment be used for research activities and/or to assist students at the Department of Geosciences.

Published Mar. 1, 2024 1:56 PM - Last modified May 13, 2024 12:58 PM