
Published May 29, 2020 7:53 AM

The LATICE-Flux Infrastructure Lab consist of a stationary and a mobile eddy-covariance flux system. The stationary flux-tower is installed at the Finse Alpine Research Centre – Norway. Both the stationary and the mobile instruments measure energy-, CO2- and H2O-fluxes, in addition to standard meteorological parameters. The lab is built up and managed by the research group LATICE, Dept. of Geosciences, UiO.

Published Oct. 22, 2019 12:05 PM

Also called DroneLab@UiO, the Drone Infrastructure Lab is equipped with a variety of drone systems ranging from light to heavy with payloads and sensors suitable for acquiring data on relevant scientific processes. The lab is used in both research and teaching in the Department of Geosciences, and services are also provided to external clients. Since 2021, the lab serves as a core infrastructure for research at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.