
Published June 13, 2023 1:21 PM

The Cold Climate Container is a modular laboratory facility and workshop designed to simulate atmospheric, hydrological and biological processes at high latitudes. The container has advanced instrumentation for studying ice formation and generating artificial snow that mimics a range of natural snowfall properties (e.g. habits). The lab allows for long-term experiments investigating how ecosystems respond to varying temperatures and snow covers. It is currently in use in research projects and teaching purposes at the Dept. of Geosciences, UiO. It can be booked for additional experiments by project partners and external users, depending on availability.

Published May 3, 2019 3:56 PM

The Dept. of Geosciences has a workshop and laboratory for preparation of thin sections of geological materials. With long experience making such for research, teaching and industry we offer high quality preparation of thin sections as required for further microscopy and microanalysis.