Teaching duties

All PhD students at the Department of Geosciences who are employed for 3 years can apply for an extra year of contract in exchange for 1 year of teaching. 

This extra year of teaching duties will help you gain experience and competence in university level teaching.

We will call for new applications twice a year by e-mail (ca. mid April and mid October).


What does this mean?

  • One full year of teaching is 1690 hours, so your goal is about 1600 hours.
    • Your target for every semester should be 200-250 hours.
    • You are allowed to use some of these hours at the general pedagogical training programme, offered by LINK, UiO.
  • Teaching assignments:
    • Once a semester there will be a meeting in your section where teaching are distributed between all the staff with teaching duties. 
    • Please think about which upcoming courses for the next semester you are qualified to teach before this meeting. Feel free to discuss with your supervisor or your Head of Section before this meeting. 
    • With teaching duties you participate in the ordinary teaching at the department. This can e.g. mean supervising students in laboratories and field courses, teaching and supervising seminars and practicals, lectures, supervising bachelor and master thesis. 
    • We will make sure that everyone with teaching duties is teaching every semester if possible, so if you are not assigned, please tell the Head of Section so we can help find something for you.
  • Remember to keep track of your hours!
    • Once a year (during the spring), you are asked to report the hours you taught or that you used for preparations the previous calender year to the management of the department ("undervisningsregnskap"). 
    • Please keep track of your used hours carefully.
  • Field Trip Renumeration (feltgodtgjørelse): If you have taught a course with field trips including an overnight stay, you are entitled to additional financial compensation of 735 NOK/day.
    • The deadline for this is three months after the field trip.


Please contact Head of Education Karianne S. Lilleøren.

Published June 23, 2021 11:47 AM - Last modified May 15, 2024 11:32 AM