Contact points for the Goldschmidt Laboratory Cluster

Department of Geosciences,
University of Oslo

Facility Manager: Lars Eivind Augland
Location: Sem Sælands vei 1
0371 OSLO, Norway

Department of Geosciences,
University of Oslo

Facility Manager: Siri Lene Simonsen
Location: Sem Sælands vei 1
0371 OSLO, Norway

Geological Survey of Norway (NGU)

Facility Manager: Morgan Ganerød
Location: Leiv Eirikssons vei 39
7040 Trondheim, Norway

Department of Geosciences,
University of Oslo

Facility Manager: Kristina Dunkel
Location: Sem Sælands vei 1
0371 OSLO, Norway

URL for the web pages for the Goldschmidt Laboratory