Publications from EarthFlows

List of peer review publications authored or co-authored by EarthFlows early career researchers supervised in the EarthFlows strategic research initiative from our senior researchers. 

  • ​​​​​​Rabbel, O., Mair, K., Galland, O., Grühser, C., & Meier, T. (2020). Numerical modeling of fracture network evolution in organic‐rich shale with rapid internal fluid generation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth125(7), e2020JB019445.
  • Vollestad, P., Angheluta, L., & Jensen, A. (2020). Experimental study of secondary flows above rough and flat interfaces in horizontal gas-liquid pipe flow. International Journal of Multiphase Flow125, 103235.
  • Senger, K., Betlem, P., Birchall, T., Buckley, S. J., Coakley, B., Eide, C. H., ... & Smyrak-Sikora, A. (2020). Using digital outcrops to make the high Arctic more accessible through the Svalbox database. Journal of Geoscience Education, 1-15.
  • Vollestad, P., Ayati, A. A., Angheluta, L., Lacasce, J. H., & Jensen, A. (2019). Experimental investigation of airflow above waves in a horizontal pipe. International Journal of Multiphase Flow110, 37-49.
  • Thøgersen, K., Gilbert, A., Schuler, T. V., & Malthe-Sørenssen, A. (2019). Rate-and-state friction explains glacier surge propagation. Nature communications10(1), 1-8.
  • Thøgersen, K., Sveinsson, H. A., Amundsen, D. S., Scheibert, J., Renard, F., & Malthe-Sørenssen, A. (2019). Minimal model for slow, sub-Rayleigh, supershear, and unsteady rupture propagation along homogeneously loaded frictional interfaces. Physical Review E100(4), 043004.
  • Thøgersen, K., Andersen Sveinsson, H., Scheibert, J., Renard, F., & Malthe‐Sørenssen, A. (2019). The moment duration scaling relation for slow rupture arises from transient rupture speeds. Geophysical Research Letters46(22), 12805-12814.
  • Rabbel, O.; Galland, O.; Mair, K.; Lecomte, I.; Spacapan, J.-B.; Senger, K.; Manceda, R. (2018) From field analogues to realistic seismic modelling: a case study of an oil-producing andesitic sill complex in the Neuquén Basin, Argentina. Journal of the Geological Society, jgs2017-116.
  • Vollestad, P., Ayati, A. A., Angheluta, L., LaCasce, J., Jensen, A. (2018), Experimental investigation of airflow above waves in a horizontal pipe, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, in press.
  • Ayati, A. A., Vollestad, P., Jensen, A. (2018), Detailed measurements of interfacial dynamics in air-water pipe flow, Procedia IUTAM.
  • Zheng, X., Cordonnier, B., Zhu, W., Renard, F., & Jamtveit, B. (2018). Effects of confinement on reaction-induced fracturing during hydration of periclase. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19.
  • Thøgersen, K. & Dabrowski, M. (2017). Mixing of the fluid phase in slowly sheared particle suspensions of cylinders. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 818, 807- 837 doi:10.1017/jfm.2017.159.
  • Thøgersen, K.; Dabrowski, M. & Malthe-Sørenssen, A. (2016). Transient cluster formation in sheared non-Brownian suspensions. Physical review. E., 93(2) doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.93.022611.
  • Renard, F., McBeck, J., Cordonnier, B., Zheng, X., Kandula, N., Sanchez, J. R., Kobchenko, M., Noiriel, C., Zhu, W., Meakin, P., Fusseis, F., Dysthe, D. K. (2018) Dynamic in situ three-dimensional imaging and digital volume correlation reveal strain localization and fracture coalescence in sandstone, Pure and Applied Geophysics.
  • Bertelsen, H.S., Rogers, B.D., Galland, O., Dumazer, G., Abbana Benanni A. (2018), Laboratory modelinfg of coeval brittle and ductile deformation during magma emplacement into viscoelastic rocks, Frontiers in Earth Sciences, in press.
Published Oct. 12, 2018 11:37 AM - Last modified Jan. 11, 2021 5:19 PM