LATICE 2023 Christmas event

Aurora Borealis picture

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This year's LATICE Christmas event will be held on 13 December 2023 at 14:00 in Auditorium 2 and Mellomrommet in the Geology Building. The aim of this gathering is to update each other on our research activities, and discuss our future work and collaborations in the upcoming New Year. Fittingly to the winter theme and Norwegian Christmas traditions, we will enjoy pepperkaker and gløgg during the meeting.

Speakers and presentation titles:

  • Kristoffer Aalstad: Everything all at once - Hierarchical reanalysis
  • Norbert Pirk: Plans for the ACTIVATE project
We wish everyone a good winter holiday.
Tags: LATICE, seminar, christmas
Published Nov. 27, 2023 2:49 PM - Last modified Dec. 11, 2023 5:59 PM