LATICE Webinar : Finse and beyond

We’ll have our next LATICE seminar about Finse and beyond on Wednesday, May 20, at 15:00 on Zoom.

Image may contain: Line, Water, Architecture, Sky.

Snow conditions at Finse on May 6, 2020.

Norbert will talk about the status and future plans at Finse, and also his recently funded project SPOT-On. Simon will give us exciting news about the cold climate container on behalf of the container team.


Norbert Pirk : Finse: Status and future plans, incl. the new project SPOT-On

"I will present data from the eddy flux measurements at Finse and introduce the new project Spot-On, which shall assess spatial flux heterogeneity to facilitate data-model comparisons."

Simon Filhol : Updates on the Cold Climate Container

"Things are shaping up! Two brand new custom made containers are now delivered. More equipment is on the way. We will go through a detailed technical description of the upcoming infrastructure and some of the first applications that will take place. As this infrastructure is designed to be flexible and available to a broad variety of scientific projects (snow and glacier, cloud physics, ecology, mechanic, etc), we are looking forward to potential suggestions for complementary apparatus/instruments or simple design tweak that would increase the versatility of the infrastructure."

Tags: LATICE, Finse, measurements, cold container, SPOT-On
Published May 6, 2020 3:49 PM - Last modified May 20, 2020 4:00 PM