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Solid Earth and Crustal Processes

We study processes in the mantle and crust by fieldwork (structural geology), isotope-geochemical and geochronological methods. The aim is to contribute to the characterization of the Solid Earth, and how mantle and crustal processes shape our planet.

Folded sedimentary rocks from the Orkneys, Scotland. Photo: L. E. Augland

Folded sedimentary rocks from the Orkneys, Scotland. Photo: L. E. Augland

Understanding how continents evolved, how orogens and ocean basins developed, and how the environment and conditions for life have fluctuated through time are at the core of this group’s research. We study processes in the mantle and crust by fieldwork (structural geology), isotope-geochemical and geochronological methods.

Read more about the research in the 'Solid Earth and Crustal Processes'-group.

Tags: Solid Earth, Crustal Processes
Published June 28, 2022 10:34 AM - Last modified Jan. 17, 2023 12:21 PM


Lars Eivind Augland, Associate Professor


CeO CEED                   Njord

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