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The European Drought Centre – EDC

The European Drought Centre (EDC), hosted by Dept of Geosciences, UiO, is a virtual knowledge centre with the aim to enhance drought research in Europe and promote collaboration and capacity building between scientists and the user community.

Image for the The European Drought Centre (EDC), hosted by Dept of Geosciences, UiO

The long term objective of the centre is to enhance European co-operation in order to mitigate the impacts of droughts on the society, economy and environment.

Although the EDC primarily has a European dimension, it has established links with several international organizations, projects and experts outside Europe to widen the network of drought experts and organizations.

Tasks and activities in EDC

The EDC promotes collaboration and capacity building between the scientists and the user community, and thereby increased awareness and resilience of society to drought. The EDC will in particular:

  • act as a platform to support coordinated research efforts to enhance a better understanding of the drought phenomenon, including large scale pan-European studies;
  • be a meeting place and forum for discussions between multi-disciplinary experts in drought research, policy and operational management;
  • liaise with national and international organizations and programs, also outside Europe;
  • arrange international workshops and study courses;
  • work towards establishing a European Drought Watch System, focusing on drought forecasting and monitoring at the pan-European level;
  • support the developing of national drought mitigation plans based on best practice guidelines.

The EDC-network offers

  • easy access to information on drought activities in Europe and outside;
  • information on the current drought situation in Europe;
  • archived information on historical droughts in Europe and outside;
  • dissemination of key publications from members;
  • access to a database of drought experts;
  • to become member of a large network of international drought experts that can act as a platform for new initiatives;
  • to disseminate regional and country specific information and research initiatives on drought on a common European website.

Do you want to join the EDC-network?

For information about us and how to join the The European Drought Centre visit:

Go to EDC`s official web site.

Tags: Drought, European Drought Centre, EDC; UiO
Published Feb. 25, 2011 2:29 PM - Last modified Apr. 26, 2024 9:44 AM


Lena M. Tallaksen, Professor

The official website

European Drought Centre


For information and how to join the EDC, see the official website.