Nordic Research Board
Network on Impact Research (NIR)
has completed the compact course

Signatures of an Impact
– the K-T boundary in Denmark

The NIR course “Signatures of an Impact – the K/T boundary in Denmark” was arranged in Copenhagen with excursions to Stevns Klint and Jylland (Vokslev, Kølby Gård, Nye Køv) from Monday September 18 th. to Monday September 25 th. 


During the theoretical part the following scientists were instructors:


The theoretical ‘in-house’ part of the course:

Tuesday Sept. 19th
830 – 915        Lecture: Impacts – short & long distance ejecta (HD)
915 – 1000      Lecture: Global K-T boundary stratigraphy-marine environments (BH)
1030 – 1115    Lecture: Global K-T boundary stratigraphy–terrestrial environments (VV)
1115 – 1230    Work-shop focusing on stratigraphic elements (BH & VV)
1330 – 1415    Lecture: Cretaceous-Paleocene in the Danish Basin (EH)
1415 – 1700    Stratigraphic work-shop continued

Wednesday Sept. 20th
830 – 915        Lecture: Geochemical,sedimentological aspects of the K-T boundary (BS)
915 – 1000      Lecture: Geochemical,sedimentological aspects of the K-T boundary (PC)
1030 – 1230    Work-shop focusing on Geochemical,sedimentological aspects of the K-T
                        boundary (BS & PC)
1330 – 1415    Lecture: Stevns Klint geology (FS)
1415 – 1700    Geochemical, sedimentological Work-shop continued
1900 –             Meeting in the Geological Society of Denmark - mini-seminar on the K-T
                        boundary (BH, VV, HD, PC, FS).


The field course schedule:

Thursday Sept. 21st
Stevns Klint – basin margin aspects, original K-T boundary type locality
Thursday night: ‘In-house’ work-shop at the institute – ‘putting Stevns Klint together’

Friday Sept. 22nd
Change of venue to Nykøbing Mors, Jylland.
En route field-work in Vokslev, Jylland – intermediate basinal aspects

Saturday – Sunday Sept. 23rd & 24th
Northwestern Jylland.  The Thisted Dome. Nye Kløv and Kjølby Gd.

Monday Sept.  25th
Return to Copenhagen for home-bound flights.

Monday Oct. 9th is the deadline for course reports!

Many thanks to Eckart Håkansson and  Claus Heinberg for a very good course and Jesper Milan and Nooshin Christiansen for first class assistance.