
Impact related research in Denmark has been directed foremost towards the K-T boundary phenomena which, according to preferences, may or may not be related to the 65 mill.year old Chicxulub impact crater in Mexico. Since the very beginning of this discussion, Stevns Klint south of Copenhagen, and other K-T boundary sections in Denmark, has played a central role in this discussion. Irrespective of position in the often heated debate, all have agreed that the Stevns Klint section in particular, represents an outstanding case, in terms both of geochemical and biological signals. Multiple studies have been carried out by national, as well as by researchers from abroad, and such activities prevail. Currently Danish impact research is shifting somewhat from a predominantly paleontological focus, towards sea-water geochemistry. Thus the future research will be more dependent on multiple crossdisciplinary  cooperation, involving  geochemists, as well as biomineralogists, carbonate mineralogists and paleontologists. To a lesser scale, geologists from the University of Copenhagen and Roskilde University Center have been involved in field work, attempting to find ejecta material or tsunami traces from the Mjølnir impact, in Peary Land (North Greenland).

Danish research projects/craters:

Most impact related research in Denmark is concerned with phenomena related to the distant effects of impacts – ejecta fall-out, abnormal sea-water chemistry, biotic response, etc.:

* Biostratigraphic studies across the K-T boundary interval based on planktonic foraminifera and coccoliths

* Biotic change associated with the K-T boundary, based primarily on molluscs, bryozoans and planktonic foraminifera; includes studies of patterns of diversity, dominance, extinction and recovery, etc.

* Biomineralic changes possibly reflecting changes in seawater chemistry associated with the K/T event.

* Possible multiple platinum-iridium-soot events prior to the K/T event.

Published Dec. 8, 2010 3:51 PM - Last modified Dec. 8, 2010 3:51 PM