
Åvikebukten is a ca. 10 km diameter deep circular bay at the east coast of central Sweden with a central submarine mound. A small outcrop of strongly brecciated sandstone is the only site where detailed petrographic studies have been made. Airborne magnetic measurements have been made and gravity measurements are planned and will be made as soon as sufficient thick sea ice occurs.


Henkel, H., Puura, V., Flodén, T., Kirs, J., Konsa, M., Preeden, U., Lilljequist, R., and Fernlund, J., 2005: Åvike Bay – A 10 km diameter possible impact structure at the Bothnian coast of cenral Sweden. In: C.Koeberl and H.Henkel (eds) Impact Tectonics, Springer Verlag ISBN 3-540-24181-7: 323-340.

Published Dec. 8, 2010 3:16 PM - Last modified Dec. 8, 2010 3:42 PM