
Mien is a ca. 7 km diameter impact crater occupied by lake Mien. A centrally located small island has abundant boulders of impact melt. A drillhole has been sunk from this island. Boulders of this melt and of suevite are seen in the transport direction of the last glaciation. Detailed petrophysical, gravity and magnetic measurements have been made and a model based on these data was published.


Henkel, H., 1982: The lake Mien structure. Sveriges Geoloiska Undersökning Geofysikrapport 82-21, 7 pp.

Henkel, H., 1992: Geophysical aspects of meteorite impact craters in eroded shield environment, with special emphasis on electric resistivity. Tectonophysics 216: 63-89.

Stanfors, R., 1973: Mienstrukturen – en kryptoexplosiv bildning i Fennoskandiens urberg. Doctoral Thesis, University of Lund 1973, 144 pp.

Svensson, N-B., and Wickman, F-E., 1965: Coesite from Lake Mien, southern Sweden. Nature 205:4977.

Published Dec. 8, 2010 3:10 PM - Last modified Dec. 8, 2010 3:11 PM