Short description of RemoteEx

Short summary and objective of the Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere (RemoteEx) project.

The RemoteEx project will bring together academic and public enterprise institutions in Norway, Canada and USA to improve training and knowledge exchange in remote sensing of the cryosphere (e.g., glaciers, permafrost, snow, sea ice).

Remote sensing provide the most effective method to measure large-scale environmental changes occurring over polar and mountainous regions, but a rapid recent increase in satllite and airborn sensors and datasets means that knowledge about how to best exploit them is lacking. RemoteEx will provide advanced training to undergraduates, graduates and faculty on remote sensing analytics, using a combination of dedicated workshops, summer schools and courses.

Specialized remote sensing expertice current available in individual institutions will be shared amongst all project partnes, and it is anticipated that this will lead to a new long-term collaborations and an improved capacity to monitor recent and ongoing changes to the cryosphere.

Published July 5, 2017 8:54 AM - Last modified July 7, 2017 12:32 PM