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Research events - Page 21

Time and place: , Digital (using Zoom) or Aud 1, The Geology Building

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 3rd of December @ 12:15 in Aud. 1, Geology building or via videolink using Zoom. The seminar is helt by Guy Tallentine, Loughborough University, UK.

Time and place: , Digital (using Zoom) or Aud 1, The Geology Building

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 3rd of December @ 12:15 in Aud. 1, Geology building or via videolink using Zoom. The seminar is helt by Guy Tallentine, Loughborough University, UK.



Speaker: José Manuel Gutiérrez, Instituto de Física de Cantabria

Time and place: , Voksenåsen

How to get there: Take subway line #1 to Voksenåsen (Direction Frognerseteren), and there is a 5 minutes walk from the station.

Time and place: , ZOOM


Stephen E. Grasby

From Geological Survey of Canada

Hosted by Henrik Svensen


Title: IPCC-AR6 Chap. 12: Climate change information for regional impact and for risk assessment

Speaker: Jana Sillmann, CICERO

Time and place: , Aud 1, The Geology Building

Doctoral candidate Bjørgunn Heggem Dalslåen at the Department of Geosciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis The Early to Late Ordovician rock record of the Oppdal area, Scandinavian Caledonides: Explosive volcanism, element recycling and basin infill during closure of the Iapetus Ocean for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Time and place: , The Wegner room, 1.211 at CEED, the ZEB buliding
Time and place: , Digital (using Zoom) or Aud 2, The Geology Building

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 19th of November @ 12:15 in Aud. 2, Geology building or via videolink using Zoom. The seminar is helt by Regine Hock and Pierre-Marie Lefeuvre, Dept. of Geosciences.

Time and place: , Digital (using Zoom) or Aud 2, The Geology Building

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 19th of November @ 12:15 in Aud. 2, Geology building or via videolink using Zoom. The seminar is helt by Regine Hock and Pierre-Marie Lefeuvre, Dept. of Geosciences.

Time and place: , Auditorium 3


Friedemann Samrock

From ETH Zurich

Hosted by Maik Neukirch

Time and place: , Drøbak
Time and place: , The CEED lunch room
Time and place: ,

Njord Seminar with Camilla Cattania (Massachusetts Institute of Technology): How do earthquakes begin? Numerical and theoretical insights into the nucleation processes of small and large earthquakes