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Research events - Page 6

Time and place: , Aud 1, The Geology Building (or Zoom)

Welcome to the GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Monday 17th of November @ 12:15 in Aud. 1, Geology building, or via video link using Zoom. The seminar is held by Simon Filhol (UiO).

Time and place: , Realfagsbiblioteket, Vilhelm Bjeknes' hus

For 200 år siden oppdaget geologen Jens Esmark, gjennom å observere formasjoner i landskapet, at Jorden en gang måtte ha vært dekket av is. Ved å studere isbreer kan dagens forskere rekonstruere historiske klimaforhold og miljøendringer, kartlegge hvordan landskapet har forandret seg gjennom tiden, samt sette dagens hurtige klimaendringer i et lenger perspektiv.  

Time and place: , Aud 1, The Geology Building (or Zoom)

Welcome to the GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Monday 10th of November @ 12:15 in Aud. 1, Geology building, or via video link using Zoom. The seminar is held by Trine Jahr Hegdahl (NVE).

Time and place: , CICERO, Oslo Science Park, Gaustadalléen 21. Room: «Rio»

Title: Air Pollution and Climate Change in the Global South: from air sensors to supercomputers

Speaker: Daniel M. Westervelt, Columbia University

Time and place: , Room 2320, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Title: Microphysical evolution in mixed-phase mid-latitude marine cold-air outbreaks

Speaker: Paquita Zuidema, University of Miami

Time and place: , Scandic Helsfyr, Innspurten 7, Helsfyr, Oslo

The annual GeoLearning Forum returns to Oslo for 2023! The theme for this year's meeting is "Sustainability and Inclusivity in Earth Science Education".

Time and place: , KBH 2418 and Zoom

Every second Tuesday, CBA members gather for lunch and a talk. On October 31st 2023, we have a presentation given by Joel White from the University of Gothenburg.

Time and place: , Aud 1, The Geology Building (or Zoom)

Welcome to the GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Monday 30th of October @ 12:15 in Aud. 1, Geology building, or via video link using Zoom. The seminar is held by Pascal Sirguey, Uni. of Otago, New Zealand.

Time and place: , Aud 1, The Geology Building (or Zoom)

Welcome to the GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 27th of October @ 12:15 in Aud. 1, Geology building, or via video link using Zoom. The seminar is held by John Aiken, Dept of Geosciences & Njord, UiO.

Time and place: , Room 2320, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Title: Reconstructing and improving records of the volcanic forcing of climate

Speaker: Andrea Burke, University of St Andrews

Time and place: , Aud 1, The Geology Building (or Zoom)

Welcome to the GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 20th of October @ 12:15 in Aud. 1, Geology building, or via video link using Zoom. The seminar is held by Norbert Pirk, Dept of Geosciences, UiO.

Time and place: , Webex (webinar) / Lassegrotta, UNIS, Svalbard

Doctoral candidate Peter Betlem at the Department of Geosciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis De-risking top seal integrity - Imaging heterogeneity across shale-dominated cap rock sequences for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Time and place: , Aud 1, The Geology Building

Doctoral candidate Karianne Ødemark at the Department of Geosciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis Extreme precipitation and physical model-based estimates for return values and PMP in Norway for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Time and place: , The Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Tallhall (Oslo)-1-Bruun

Title: Climate monitoring activities and forecast diagnostics at ECMWF

Speaker: David Lavers, ECMWF

Time and place: , Klimahuset, Tøyen

The EMERALD Open Science Day is the closing meeting of the project with the aim to share the experience and knowledge gained throughout the project period between 2019 and 2023.