Disputation: Honoré Dzekamelive Yenwongfai

Honoré Dzekamelive Yenwongfai at the Department of Geosciences will be defending his dissertation: Quantitative seismic reservoir characterization - A Seismic Petrophysical Study in the Goliat Field, SW Barents Sea 

Honoré Dzekamelive Yenwongfai. Photo: Private.

Honoré Dzekamelive Yenwongfai. Photo: Private.

Trial lecture - time and place

16. August 2018 10:15 - 11:00, Auditorium 1, The Geology Building 

Adjudication committee

  • Professor Per Avseth, Department of Geosciences and Petroleum, NTNU
  • Senior Lecturer Mark Chapman, School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh
  • Professor Annik M. Myhre, Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo

Chair of defence

Professor Jens Jahren


  • Professor Jan Inge Faleide, Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo
  • Associate Professor Nazmul Haque Mondol, Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo
  • Associate Professor Isabelle Lecomte, Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen

Additional information

Article about Yenwongfai’s dissertation: Quantitative seismic reservoir characterization - A Seismic Petrophysical Study in the Goliat Field, SW Barents Sea

Press photo

Published Aug. 2, 2018 10:46 AM - Last modified Aug. 8, 2018 3:45 PM