First permafrost modelling course, summer 2012

The first permafrost modelling course/work shop gathered 15 students in Oslo and Jotunheimen in southern Norway the summer of 2012. The group had an intensive program with lectures, exercises in the lab, projects work, field trip and presentation of their own work.

The group of students and staff at Raubergstulen in Jotunheimen, the mountains of southern Norway. Photo: Bernd Etzelmuller

Participants from a wide range of countries

The first permafrost modelling course and work shop - Permafrost modelling in the Nordic coutries - took place during 10. and 21. June 2012 in Oslo and Jotunheimen, Norway. Both events were coupled and carried out together with UNIS and the SVALASKA project. This allowed the Perma-Nord network to invite participants and lecturers not only from the Nordic countries, but also from the University of Alaska in Fairbanks, USA. The participating students came from most of the Nordic countries, in addition to Alaska, GB, Switzerland and Germany.

Permafrost modelling in the Nordic countries

The PhD course/work shop gathered 15 PhD and advanced MSc students in June at the Department of Geoscience, University of Oslo. The programme was intensive with an wide specter of teaching methods. Every day, there was a 3-hours lecture before lunch and practical data lab after lunch.

The course finished with a 3-days excursion and work shop to Raubergstulen in Jotunheimen, where they visited mountain permafrost sites and a newly excavated ice tunnel in the icepatch of Juvfonne.

During the work shop, students presented results from the course work, along with presentation of their PhD thesis the students were working with.


See course presentation:

GEO9450 - Permafrost modelling in the Nordic region



Published Jan. 8, 2013 3:59 PM - Last modified Jan. 8, 2013 4:21 PM