Webinar August 2020 – the FATES platform

Title: The CLM-FATES model platform for EMERALD and its implementation on GALAXY. 

Speaker: Hui Tang, UiO



The pdf presentation by Hui Tang, held at our August-2020 webinar, and a recording of the zoom webinar.


To bridge the gaps between field ecologists and land surface modellers in EMERALD, the CLM-FATES modelling platform has been developed for running model simulations on more than 20 observation sites. It aims to facilitate the interaction between modeller and field ecologists in EMERALD, by improving the accessibility of CLM-FATES to both the climate modelling and ecological community. 


In this talk, we will show how the accessibility of the CLM-FATES modelling can be improved step by step. In particular, we will display how the employment of the public available cloud computing platform, such as GALAXY (done by Dr. Anne Claire Fouilloux this summer) can further enhance the accessibility of CLM-FATES modelling on our observation sites. Several ongoing efforts, such as optimizing the workflow, building graphical user interface (GUI) for modifying model inputdata and visualizing model outputdata, improving tutorials on GALAXY etc. will be introduced. The potential applications of the CLM-FATES modelling platform to different scientific researches will also be briefly discussed.





Tags: webinar
Published Aug. 17, 2020 12:31 PM - Last modified Aug. 26, 2020 1:48 PM