Webinar March 2021

Title: Improved management, sharing and reuse of ecological data with Living Norway Ecological Data Network

Speaker: Erlend B. Nilsen – Senior Research Scientists at NINA and Professor II at Nord university



The pdf presentation by Erlend Nilsen, and the recording of the webinar is available on this web page.

Short summary

In this talk I will present a new initiative in Norway for improved management, sharing and reuse potential of ecological data from Norway. Access to FAIR and open data is currently a limiting factor for scientific progress in ecological and environmental research. In the talk I will present solutions and approaches offered by our network, including technological solutions, culture and network activities, and increased capacity through education and training. Our initiative is closely connected to existing global infrastructures such as the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), allowing for a rapid implementation of our plans. Once fully establish we aim to have impact across a range of scientific fields that benefit from improved sharing and access to harmonized and high-quality ecological data.  



Tags: webinar
Published Mar. 5, 2021 2:27 PM - Last modified Mar. 24, 2021 1:16 PM