Partner institutions, network and affiliated projects

Partner institutions

The following institutions jointly developed the project and are EMERALD partners:

Network and affiliated projects

In line with the call from the KLIMAFORSK program funding EMERALD the project will integrate existing activities among partners and provide added value through critical mass and more effective cooperation with existing and new affiliated projects.

Thus EMERALD can be viewed as a research network in addition to a project with its own objectives and work program. This list below of existing and some key previous projects is updated when new projects are granted funding.

ERC grants:

Other European funding:

  • Nunataryuk, H2020, PI: Westermann
  • CCI Permafrost, ESA, PI: Westermann

Research Council of Norway funding:

University funding:

Other funding:

Published Apr. 25, 2019 12:22 PM - Last modified Sep. 6, 2021 10:45 AM