
News and In media articles where EMERALD's researchers have contributed. The list is not exhaustive and articles are in Norwegian or English.

Published June 14, 2024 2:50 PM

There have been several PhD students working within EMERALD, but only one financed by the EMERALD project, namely Eirik Aasmo Finne. Eirik’s disputation took place in Department of Geosciences on June 12th 2024. He has been supervised by Jarle W Bjerke at NINA in Tromsø where he spent most of his PhD time. He has been a student at Department of Geosciences where he has been co-supervised by the EMERALD leaders Lena M. Tallaksen and Frode Stordal.

Published June 12, 2024 7:20 PM

Professor of hydrology, Lena Merete Tallaksen, Dept. of Geosciences, University of Oslo, has been awarded the International Hydrology Prize – the Doodge Medal by the International Association of Hydrological Sciences. She is the first in Norway to receive this award.

Published Oct. 18, 2023 9:19 PM

Vegetation reflect different amounts of solar radiation, the brightest ones contribute to keeping surface temperatures low in summer.  EMERALD PhD Eirik Aasmo Finne has performed the highest measurement of albedo of all vegetation species worldwide.

Published Sep. 24, 2021 9:07 AM

The hybrid 6th Conference on Modelling Hydrology, Climate and Land Surface Processes was co-organised by EMERALD this time. Many researchers from the EMERALD community presented their work at the conference, both in person at Lillehammer hotel and remotely on Zoom.

Published Sep. 23, 2021 2:01 PM

The European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2021 online brings together geoscientists from all over the world to a conference covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. In 2021, several researchers from the EMERALD community presented their work at this online conference.

Published Sep. 23, 2021 1:48 PM

The European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2020 online brings together geoscientists from all over the world to a conference covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. In 2020, several researchers from the EMERALD community presented their work at this online conference.

Published Aug. 2, 2021 2:23 PM

Den 14. juli var EMERALD-forsker Anders Bryn ved Naturhistorisk museum med som guide på tur med Klima- og Miljøminister Sveinung Rotevatn (V). Norsk Fjellsenter i Lom arrangerte tur til istunnelen ved Juvasshytta, i Dumdalsgrottene og på Sognefjellet. På kvelden var det middag og omvisning i utstillingene ved Norsk Fjellsenter - inkludert den nye utstillingen Natur i endring fra EMERALD.